This post and discusion under it, made me think a bit about rifle grenade launchers.
Maybe add alternative firing mode to RGLs?
Now you can fire directly with good results and you may try to fire indirectly but it’s pure guessing. By using alternative firing mode with grenade launcher on your rifle, you could switch to indirect fire mode. With it, your rifle would act like a mortar: press aim button to brace it on the ground; aim like a mortar including ability to see ranges; fire; reload.
Both indirect and direct fire modes would use sights that are mentioned in the linked post.
Here you can see sights for mauser:
At the top you can see ranges for direct fire, at the bottom you can see ranges for indirect fire. In the image, sight is set to 200m indirect fire.
Link to the video.
Pros of the idea:
- more usage of rifle grenade launchers and additionally of bolt action rifles
- limited ammo - only 3 shots (I don’t remember if they can be resuplied)
- can be used in any squad
- it’s still situationall so I don’t think it will be spammed but it’s a nice asset to have in your toolkit.
Do you remember that pesky AA gun on the hill, that killed your teammates? Now you can take it down from saftey.
- possible “mortar” spam if grenades can be resuplied. It can be solved by disallowing to resuply (only grenades, normal rounds for the rifle would still resuply).
- might be better than mortar. Can be solved by giving mortar better area of damage than rifle grenades have (also by nerfing RGs).