Alternative Evolution: BOTS TOO STRONG, BOTS TO WEAK

It’s a constant debate on the forums that is without end, and for good reason.

*this thread is not a “I prefer smart, I prefer dumb”. This is a compromise between the two.

Personally, I really like the idea of customizing my squad and commanding them in battle (even if they are nothing more than glorified respawns). While bots are central to the game, it is annoying when they are too good, and equally as annoying when they are too bad.

I am a big believer in that games should be mostly based on the players choices/performance and control. Not the AI doing their job completely for them.

The Enlisted system reminds me a lot of another system in a game I greatly enjoy, and I thought perhaps, I could see it working well as a compromise between bots being too good or too bad.

So, the Idea is:

Why can’t we have both at the same time??? AI can be so good when commanded well, and so bad when commanded poorly.

TLDR, AI will priorities Exactly as you command, even if it’s a bad command. they will be most effective from the front, ineffective and vulnerable to the flanks and rear. They do not possess the ability to ignore your order. If you tell them to face a direction, they face it. If you tell them to move, they will move instead of attacking. This requires the player to make a choice.

- be a one-man army, and forget about the AI

- constantly micro the AI squad for best potential

- or both if the player can multitask. (Skill ceiling)


I play Conquerors blade, and yes, although it’s not really the same genre and more about medieval warfare, the same principle of fighting/commanding alongside an AI squad is also present. Now the squad commands are not much different than Enlisted and quite simple: choose formation, Hold, Follow, fire at will, attack HOWEVER the implications of these commands makes ALL the difference between a god like AI squad and a fodder squad. (People who have played it will know what I am talking about it, I will attempt to explain and compare)

The Difference being that the AI’S effective comes down to exactly how you commanded them. (are they facing the right way, is their formation the right one for the situation, are they Focus firing the right area.

Bot Mechanics (I have modified it in an attempt to adapt to a WW2, predominantly ranged setting)

*NOTE all variables are changeable, arcs, distances etc. All variables used are just examples.

Bots are given effective arc by weapon. While Holding position, they will be moderately effective within there arcs. Only when they are Given a Killzone order (see next) will they be truly effective.

I will just use the basic 3. There would still need to be Sniper and Battle Rifle/Automatic rifle


Machine Guns


NEW Command (Killzone): Based on arrow rain from Conquerors Blade

This is a more “all in” way of telling your Bots where to engage (it will be the source of their Greatest strength, and Greatest weakness at the same time)

Replace bots reacting to spotting, with a new command, “Killzone”. This allows you to choose a Spherical zone for all your troops, to focus on and engage. (Basically, a second spotting but will be separate so you can Spot without changing your AI’s focus). You will only be allowed to put down one Killzone order, pressing it again, cancels the Killzone order then allowing you to place another.

The point you drop this mark AI will engage anything in a radius of this point (sphere) with increased lethality (not auto kill, but they will be much more accurate, proactive, and continuously fire at full speed). The trade-off is they will be completely focused on firing on this point, and they won’t pay attention to ANYTHING else outside this radius. (You could walk up to them and stab them if the Player doesn’t rescind the order. There would also need to be a warmup period of about 2-3(or a global cooldown) seconds before their accuracy bonuses come fully online after a Killzone order is given.

*note - bot engage arcs become irelevant while killzone is active

I also imagine Killzone Size and benefits will be different from Squad to Squad. For example

Snipers Kill zone will be very small and precise, but the sniper will be deadly up to 80 meters. (Imaging a Company of hero’s sniper, you walk into his zone, And if you don’t break Line of sight in roughly 3 seconds he will dome you. Can be used to Overwatch/kill off Heavy MG positions/counter snipe ETC)

SMG Killzone will be rather large, But as their effective range is only 25m, It will be much more useful urban areas and house fighting. If you put the Killzone at their feet for example, they would be the best at 360 close range fighting.

*NOTE: this command can be used at any range, But the bonuses will drop off severely past a weapons effective range. The bots will still fire, but it will be nothing more than ambience, they won’t hit anything except by pure chance (if for example you give SMG Killzone order 100 meters away. They won’t hit anything, but at 25 meters they will be extremely lethal)

Commands (Parallels)

Hold (x) – basic hold command, pressing it once, Bots will hold this position facing the same direction you are when you gave the command (they will remain Locked facing this direction and will not change unless told to do so, they will only respond to entities in the engage zone, or instant react zone). Pressing and holding will allow you to rotate the direction they face once released.

(This right here is what defines an effective AI, over an oblivious AI. Direction)

Follow (hold x cancels all commands) – Bots will follow you and not be much more effective than they are now, their arcs still apply.


Aggressive – will not seek cover, will stand exactly where you tell them in their chosen formation, and engage anything in their engage zone. Their effective range will determine how well they do.,

Passive – will seek cover in area you tell them to hold, and react fire to anything they hear in their engage zone)


Will basically be the same, but the benefit mainly comes when holding position. Close, Standard and Wide. These will affect your area of fire and concentration of fire (overlap) received and given.

Close (high concentration and fire overlap over small area)

Standard (Balance concentration over medium area)

Wide (Low Concentration over Large area)

Follow me (cancel all order) – units will follow you and be vulnerable while moving. Really ineffective (exception maybe SMG soldiers)

Battlefield Dynamics

This makes BOTs much more deliberate in their execution and less random, Different benefits to Bot weapon loadouts. It also opens possibilities for new weapon-based perks, Killzone based perks and squad upgrades.

There you have it, is it perfect? No, far from it. But it will provide instances where Bots will become effective in directed situations, and complete fodder when flanked or when not commanded to react appropriately. No 360 no scoping, no longer standing there watching a player right Infront of them mow them all down, but also hugely exploitable from their Dead zones, and while they are focused on a Killzone order.

Hopefully I made sense while trying to translate the system into Enlisted.

Additional Alterations/Additions from comments

*Please note that I have tried to take the essence of your suggestion, But apply them to the Theme I have suggested, where Autonomy mostly gives way to player command. Please comment if its not enough.

Bots general Behavior
(always active “regardless” of stance/orders/Killzone) as suggested by @Serpiko82 @GeneralBrus

  • Bots will still automatically defend themselves withing a few meters (melee)
  • Bots will still throwback grenades, move a meter or 2 and lay down
  • Bots will Lay down when bombs are near.
  • Bots will not react to artillery; it is players responsibility to move.

Additional Formation – Cover Commander (again take from conquerors blade)

This is to try and accommodate players that don’t want to micro (@Serpiko82 )

This formation will be the “No micro” formation for players who just want bots to react themselves. The drawback being potential effectiveness will be on the low side. But the Bots will keep pace with the player and not fall behind.

SMG Squad might have a buffed Version

While in Cover Commander they will “reactively” engage 360

While in Cover Commander Bots will still only “actively” engage in their weapon arc, but will actively be scanning/sweeping 180 (not static)

When given the Hold command while in cover formation, Bots will see cover in a general circle formation looking in all directions.

Binoculars (As suggested by @61839981 )

When Killzone command is placed via Binoculars it can have an alternative effect depending on squad type.

  • Mortar squad, using Binoculars to place Killzone will command AI to fire a single round (single press) or a barrage (press and hold)
  • Sniper squad, using Binoculars to place Killzone will allow a tiny primary and secondary Killzone to be placed (a Window or door)
  • (H)MG Squad can order bots to mount mgs, which react only with Killzone command.
  • Tank Squad, coaxial Mg gunners will react to Killzone orders, can be overwritten by commander control.
  • Engineer Squad, AA guns, can order AI to mount AA. Will become twin linked with player-controlled AA and track and fire under player control (will not be perfectly accurate, will create some spread/coverage)

Bot Ammo usage @SexyTent

  • Bots will not consume ammo from the pool
  • bots will reload magazine if below %50 when not having fired after 3 seconds
  • When player swaps to bot, there will be no cycling bolt (weapon will be ready regardless of AI), and weapon will have at least 30% mag capacity (regardless of what the bot was managing)

Please comment if I didn’t capture your suggestion.


I’d rather have smart bots rather than dumb bots.


You mean autonomously smart? without the player having to do anything?

Id prefer smarter, but as they were made dumb by mass request. This is a compromise

This makes them “smart” but dependent on the player being proactive and managing them. More power to the player.

I am a big believer in that games should be mostly based on the players choices/performance, Not the AI doing their job completely for them.

Just throwing it out there


I like the base idea and proposal for them to be better when the player micro manages them independently, that would be a worthwhile addition

But if they put overwatch mode on them, then it has to be a wide field of view, not narrow the way you propose it, it would have to at least be 180degress and with left to right scanning of 10-20 degrees, that would work. And don’t make them super deadly, just a bit improved from the non micro bots

That would be a nice improvement and reward players for taking the extra time to place bots in decent positions

also if we place them one by one, we should get further distance from them before they break orders, the limit now and always has been way too small and ruins the idea of using them for advanced positioning


Sure, thanks for feed back…all variables picked were just to get the idea accross the player has to manage them to be effective (Up for discussion)

Also fyi, the bots engage arc become completely irelevant when a killzone order is active, all bots will engage anything in that area. Their arcs only matter outside of the killzone command(when it hasnt been ordered)

Another idea i had that i didnt put down was killzone width could be determined by formation size, squad type, etc.

Just tried to keep it simple initially.

I know they used to be T-1000s and were dumbed down because they were “too deadly”.
It would just be nice if they had more collective brain cells than a headless chicken.


How about getting them to man equipment that they cannot currently by themselves?

  • Mortars (If you are spotting with binoculars, the two mortarmen in the squad should fire on you marks.)

  • (H)MG nests (players take priority, but when there isn’t a player, an AI can take over

  • Tank Machinegunner slots (Its current system is pretty pointless as it requires the commander to shoot them as well, and they only shoot where the player is pointing._

  • AAs (you are allowed to build 2 but only use one at a time currently. Make the AI able to jump on one and fire in roughly the same area as you to help saturate the sky with AA fire, without having to require multiple players.)

  • There are others, but these are the main ones for me, in addition to your original suggestion.


Yes absolutely!

This is what I was referring to by Killzone reacting differently via squad types and a whole collection of extra mechanics etc. Do you mind if I try and weave your idea into my suggestion? what do you think.

*Note I should add that the tether system would need to go with this whole rework. Conquerors blade doesn’t have a tether.

Binoculars - offer their very own additional “Killzone” unique to using binoculars, and unique to certain squads
cause Killzone to behave differently when placed via binoculars


Mortar Squad - When Killzone is placed via Binocular, AI Mortar men will fire a slow and steady barrage at the position until out of ammo or canceled.

Sniper Squad - When Killzone is placed via Binocular, sniper can designate a tiny primary and secondary Killzone(1 window/door) for AI snipers to deny)

(H)MG Squad - can order squad AI to mount, will react to normal killzone order.

AT Squad - can order squad AI to mount, will react to normal killzone order

Engineer AA - Player Can order AI to mount AA to become twin linked to the player (battery link was a thing). Both guns will traverse and shoot in unison under player control.

Tank Squad - AI MG coaxial gunners focus on Killzone, can be overwritten by commander control

Something like that?

There’s one stupid problem:
console players (can always leave them with stupid bots and completely turn off crossplay)

making the AI “completely focus only on the target zone” sounds kinda silly, they allowing them selves to get stabbed because of an order is somewhat ridiculous.

Still I also think those are good ideas and would give great strategical depth to the game.
I would say tho, to simplify all of this replacing the “spotting system” with a “shoot here” system would be probable enough to make all of this work.

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Its necessary to give power to the player, And to combine Good AI, bad AI

If you want to reason with it, just think, how many times have you been stabbed in the back or shot in the back in FPS shooters because you didnt hear them, failed to recognise the gunshots, or you were focused else where? Now just assume that happened to the bots in this stance

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I don’t know man, at super short distance AI should be intelligent enough to defend themselves.


And they are (the instant reaction zone, purple circle). Just not while "focusing their attention and fire on the killzone.

The player has to notice they are introuble and cancel the killzone so Bots can react.


too often but I would say that’s those games fault ( too fast movement speed, more melee damage than bullet damage, too little sound with movement) and let me tell you, real combat makes noise, and even “ninjas” will have sound to their movement in an urban environment.

This Idea that people run around commando style with their knifes and slice everyone to pieces is pure fiction.

Combat is chaos, smoke and noise. I can think of one instance where a Ronald Speirs ran through German lines in the middle of a battle (Foy) to link up, and then proceeded to make the return journey.

Others where saboteurs silently take down pickets, patrols, guard towers in all theatres.

Try not to over think it. Its just a game :slight_smile:

Its all in interest of giving power to the player. They are still able to React independently. As long as the player is paying attention and manages them properly

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again, I like your idea, I am literally “ONLY” concerned about them being comically stupid by letting themselves getting stabbed to death by just one dude while probably even watching.

… well not like this isn’t already the case with AI, still I would love at least “some” independent thought for AI, otherwise they will simply feel like machines willing to die on command.

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I do hear you, perhaps I can concede that the will still react in their small instant reaction zone while in Killzone stance.

But A player can already just instantly cancel the killzone command to let them react. Part of the player skill ceiling

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TBH, although I regularly use X and V to give directions to my squad, I never even bother using the current individual orders mode.

TLDR: even though I like bots and want them to stay in game, I’m primarily here to shoot stuff, not to babysit lemmings, so they should be able to take care of themselves without requiring micromanagement.

With the extremely low TTK in game (which I like), I just see no point in spending time and attention giving detailed orders to bots, when at any given moment any unforeseen threat could wipe them out in a blink.

As such, I’d rather have my squad follow my basic orders, but be the most self-aware possible on its own. Meaning that I shouldn’t be telling everyone where to look at, where to take cover and whom to engage in every moment.

Rather than improving bots lethality (which is extremely low effort, all that’s needed is to tweak a few numbers in accuracy and reaction time stats), their AI development should probably focus toward improving their overall situational awareness and self-preservation. Like, in example, different pathfinding logic for “normal” and “engaged” movement (prioritizing either the quickest route, or the one with the best cover); then, when engaged, apply automatic “fire and movement” behaviour (half the squad moves to next cover while the other half engages the threat and vice versa), prioritize taking cover rather than laying down in the open unless there’s no cover nearby; possibly be aware of numbers in an engagement, so they would be more aggressive when in advantage but more focused on taking cover when outnumbered, etc.


Well that’s the beauty of this system. You can “choose” do exactly that and not micro. Just leave them on follow or hold position, don’t even worry about killzone.

Just do your thing :slight_smile:

Absolutely, that’s why I put the suggestion there!

Personally I would like to see it as a manual shot for shot basis, rather than just autofiring for suppressive effect. That way it offers a lot more precision as well.

As many things as there already are that kill tanks, leading them to sit in the greyzone all game, I do NOT think that AT squads should be able to be run via AI.

It would probably need to be a bit more complex than just mirroring movements. If they aimed in roughly the same area in regards to near a plane, their targeting would be better, but not so good as to be OP.

The rest looks good to me.

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