Alpha, Bravo, Charlie Structure hotkeys for behavior

II strongly believe that has the game gets more complex in terms of tactics so its necessary the more features inside the control settings to easy our lives inside the game and in the heat of battle.

in fact, Alpha, Bravo and Charlie are abbreviations of A, B, C.

what actual this do? it allow you by pressing F12 select in ONE button different combinations of Behavior AND fireteams, if you like the suggestion and read it you know what i talking otherwise the link is below here.

so lets go the suggestion. there are two types of behavior now. Tactical Spacing behavior AND Engage behavior, but for EXAMPLE i will add another behavior.

Tactical Spacing Behavior: Close, Standard, Wide (already in game)
Engagement Behavior: Aggressive (fire at will), Passive (Return fire)
Movement Behavior: Defensive (get always cover and move slow), Standard (Move naturally)

has you can see i only placed one more type of behavior, and we don’t know how much behaviors structures we might get has the game manage to achieve its glory. so the suggestion is.

by pressing F12, you will choice at least 3 pre set combinations of all behaviors available in the game.

A, Wide, Defensive, Passive.
B, Close, Standard, Passive.
C, Standard, Standard, Aggressive.

just in case here is the control setting ‘‘screenshot’’.

and here


hope you enjoy it, and Cheers.

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I thought something like this already exists although it lacks refinement. So when by default you hit Alt you get your selection menu:

When you chose formations, I’m not sure how authentic/doctrinal (WRT dispersion spacing) they are and whether there are any pre-determined arcs of "responsibiliy associated for the AI soldiers in a given position within the formaion. It would be very nice if these were actual WWII doctrinal squad formations adopted by a given country, but atm I think they’re generic with generic/made up distances

Movement rates are queued off the active player as the bots are trying to follow their inputs and adjust the formation and set engagement parameters accordingly.
I think this is currently the focal point of AI refinement as the soldier AI still fails to manouvre quasi independently taking account of available cover - alternatively something like this may exist but players mashing the “w” key running from place to place are overwhelming the AI algorithm for a more controlled movement - but I’m not sure as this aspect of the game is a bit of a mystery, there is nothing pinned anywhere which explains the devs intent here and allows new/old players expectations to be set.

Aggression is currently set to Aggressive or Passive

So the question you raise is an interesting one, whether there is capacity in the AI engine for a player to customise the preferences for behaviour wihin a given formation down to soldier level…

I think that unless there was an overarching layer of C2 that allowed you to issue commands to Fire Teams to hold a position and support by fire as determined by the table you proposed to insert then the level of detail seems to be “under utilised” in the greater scheme of things.

I am not sure whether the AI engine is capable of calculating out this level of detail as dynamically as the situation unfolds in a typical game. You might find soldiers “hanging” as they try to meet the stipulated conditions given all the inputs. Perhaps with fewer players per side may be a compromise for this, but I think reading the various opinions most ppl want more players per side.

I think its an interesting proposition, and if the devs are leaving it to the players to customise the formations and associated behaviour then this might allow the players themselves to choose how authentically they want their soldiers to maneouvre.


i like you point, but the ideia is about a hotkey that select instantly a combination of other stances. in a pre set in contronl menu.

if it,s not working in battle you can also change it in control menu inside the battle.

Ok I see what you mean, create an additional layer of presets that allows the existing controls to be applied more rapidly, so change formation and behaviour by preset.

Yeah that would be a good enhancement.

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That,s it. you get it.


also check this stance sugestion, it could be a aditonal one in preset.

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yeah the top table threw me off, you can do it all with the bottom one

Well the medic falls into the pandoras box that I was eluding to, because its use requires an overarching C2 layer that suggests a level of automation that does not exist and is very situationally dependent in a very dynamic set of circumstances. Unless the active player is using the medic to run and patch any soldier in range with a bleed mark, then the AI atm is not capable of doing that. But in doing so that same active player is now taken out of the firefight - hence the dilemma of how much to automate where and therefore what choices are available to the active player.

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yeah, reviving a squad mate is sometimes complex. but if people don,t what this, you might use save medicine stance.

maybe a aditional stance,

Heal outside battle
Heal Inside battle.

see? that,s why i sugested a Hotkey, we don,t know how many stances we might get has the game improve.

Well there in lies the challenge, the creation of a fast switch for formations & associated behaviour dynamically based on existing options is easy.
The layers of configurations /options that you suggest, which would be needed to underpin said selection system is the current AI problem space - its hard enough to get the bots to path correctly and dynamically react to inputs when they are attacked in a coherent manner - such as taking cover or utilising nearby structures for cover and concealment. To introduce additional layers of automation like auto heals and auto reloads for bots would be interesting. Although as it stands your bots currently don’t consume their ammunition, they just reduce the first magazine to 1 and force you to reload when you take control.
Its something that should definitely evolve as the game matures, and devs continue to develop as part of the overarching WWII immersion aspects of the game. This would leave the players to set up a more simplified interface as you suggest that controls which formation is adopted at a given point on a map more dynamically than it is now.


check this out. also you got time. check this old topic has well.

The position of soldiers inside the formation should be doctrinaly set. Different countries will have variations of this, particularly when you go back to WWII. I’ll check the link out and edit.

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the douctrynes of the countys are well used in the game, has the weapory forces us to think has they think.

German got Tank and LMGs,
Americans got some nice selection for troopers.
Soviets got great assaulters.

so the weapows will difine this.

Yeah but that’s not what’s in the game, the squad make up is not doctrinal and the weapon selection is up to the player so that’s the arcade overwrite of doctrine, which makes for harder balancing in the long run. Old school table top/minatures WWII wargames were dealing with balancing long before this stuff ever got uploaded into MMOs. So there is a treasure trove of ideas there, it just requires the devs to do some research and balance accordingly with the vision of their game.
The Squad C2 evolution is the most exciting part of the Enlisted development path and its one of the key differentiators from other FPS games. Its what got me interested in Enlisted in the first place.


It’s an interresting idea, but for the moment shortkey for something useless is useless.
They have to improve the behaviour of soldier before considering this post.

They are working on it. Since the last Make Enlisted A Better Place, it has improved, especially for buildings attack and defense.

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