Allows players to invite players from their friends list to join the game during battle and form teams(player group) during battle

Allows players to invite players from their friends list to join the game during battle and form teams(player group) during battle

I think this is a very basic function request. but not very high priority.

Before this, developers need to fix lobby’s issues with re-entering the same room and room with new rounds.

Please make custom lobby a normal place without these basic interaction issues or bugss


When exiting a custom game, you should not automatically switch to the interface of the equipment technology tree, which causes the friends list in the lower right corner to disappear.

And now you have to exit lobby and reenter it again in order to find the friends list, and you know, you’re going to run into the “reenter room bug” in chance, and all of these problems add up to make lobby’s usability really bad


Also you should be able to see where your friends are from the hangar. The game would tell if they are in a match, training, hangar or custom lobby


Clan bois on their way to invite the entire clan.