Allow the " one in the chamber " mechanic on the itacha model 37 shotgun

P.s. yes i am aware X or Y should have it too.
but no. this ain’t the thread for that. go make your own or something.

Main Suggestion

allow the one chamber mechanic on the itacha model 37 shotgun ( like the japanese semi auto rifles that from 5, reaches to 6 when reloading )

because right now, the itacha model 37 is among one of the “worst” shotguns in enlisted ( i mean, most shotguns sucks. ) but historically, the itacha shotgun had a " magazine " of 4 rounds. which is correctly displayed in enlisted. however, historically this shotgun could hold 5 rounds. an additional one in the chamber.

it may not make a whole lot of difference, but both due being an historical detail it would slighty increase it’s effectiveness.

at least, based on personal experience, such shotgun often than not, having that additional bullet might have saved my soldier life countless time. as after all, squads for the most part, are made more than 4 soldiers. let alone if you happen to down them having to waste an additional bullet. ( not often, but it does happen )

which yes, i could have simply used the auto 5 shotgun or the model 1912.
but what’s the point of having a new shotgun if it’s not correctly represented?

it is after all, performance speaking, a little bit different from the others.

and that’s all.


Would also be nice if the animations reflected that, so that your dude doesn’t just pump/charge the gun regardless of chamber status.


We’ll forward it, thanks

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