Allow squads or engineers to build more rally points!

I have an idea to incentivize people to build rallies: give the engineer squad the ability to build two rally points! This is an alternate idea incase allowing any engineer to build multiple rally points is a disagreeable idea.



Seems a bit overpowered, considering 1 player can already have an APC + rally point.
Maybe limit it to 1 rally point per engineer squad? That way if someone really wants to, they can have multiple rallies, but would need to take out multiple engineer squads to do so.

If your goal is to incentivize building rallies, what about increasing the xp earned from other players using your own rallies?


some people just want to run engineers

maybe make it so that engineers can build 2 rallies only if they dont have APC in their lineup?


When your team doens’t know the rally point… It sure would be nice to have the possibility of making more rally, but being serious if they already don’t know how to do simple task like that most of time the match is already lose .

It would be "better " having a limits of total rally point actual build.
None rally are build , you can build like 3 rally but if 1 is already build you can only put 2 more etc

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yeah a team max of say 5 would be nice, and have this reset each time a point is captured.

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This is the solution.


absolutely not. the rally points should be more restricted if anything. It’s a cancerous part of the game and adds to idiotic gameplay.
Spending half matches running around to find stupid put hidden rally points. It should be downplayed, not make more that is complete shit way wrong to go


Why do you think so negatively about it? What is wrong with a way for people with initiative to make it possible for the team to spawn closer to the action?

Because it makes the game incredibly one dimensional.

Whoever has more rally points just clearly wins the contest for objectives in most cases. It totally kills all other gameplay factors a strategies.
It’s always about who’s gonna build more rally points/who’s gonna destroy more of them.

If rally points were abolished altogether. And only APCs (which are limited to 3 per team) would remain, it would definitely make the game more interesting.
It would slow it down a bit (similarly to low BR matches, because you definitely are not encountering more than 3 rally points per team there on regular basis) and death would take on a bit more meaning.

Teams could no longer win contests for objective simply by being able to respawn faster than the other team.


This wouldn’t change the main problem wich is if your team as only 1 apc and the enemy as 3 the result is the same as rally point.
I’m agree APC are easier to find and destroy to counter this but lots of apc driver aren’t able to put them in a correct position wich results of being quicly destroyed

They are easy to find by plane, it’s gonna be a walking simulator for the team who don’t have fighter and ending by an quick loss

I’m not sure it would change something while our bot are still as useless , would be more annoying than other

Not really, because APCs have much slower cooldowns between spawning.

So even the difference between 3 APCs and 1 is not as big as the difference between 3 rally points and 1 rally point. Not to mention that currently each team can have up to 10 rally points. So yes, the game can be won purely by spamming rally points very easily.
And I think that’s extremely lame. Rally points should at least be nerfed in some way.

Not to mention that APC can be easily detected from the air. And they really don’t have any protection against planes. So the significance of planes (including those without bomb loads, since APCs can be destroyed by basically any autocannon) would immediately increase, since currently planes really can’t be used effectively to hunt rally points.

That’s pure nonsense. AAs nowadays are extremely effective. People just shouldn’t be lazy and build them. You really don’t need fighter to counter planes.

that’s what i’m talking about, I’m not saying AA is ineffective but as you say we see much often fighter plane than AA being build. It’s the same with rally points I don’t know if i’ve ever seen more than 5 rally points builded. that’s the Main problem building isn’t that attractive/rewarding than fighting. It is indeed needed for a perfect battle but not all player want to be the masked hero :wink:

They are already nerfed by the player base :wink: but if the limits is really 10 it could be nerf

I’ve already tell that but that’s not really the primary role of fighter. How many fighter don’t fight the air superiority or covering allied attacker but that’s an whole other debats

Not as big but 1 can still spawn 3 unit to 1 for the other it’s still an heavy cost in the battlefield

The first idea of more rally is good if it’s for compensing the loss of other one who don’t/ nether build rally

I would compare building rally points to building AAs.

Completely annihilating plane in few secs with your AA is extremely satisfying.
You won’t ever get this feeling trough rally points.

Every player can build a rally point, so that makes 10 rally points per team at the moment.

Because most of the time they have nothing to do. And it’s not fun to wait enemy to respawn and get to “battle zone”

I don’t doubt that but for that you have to build it and stay in unlike rally wich you just have to build it, sandbag near it or not and you can def or attack plus you get + 35 each time 1 squad spawn in

You can’t count that as acquired not every player build , most of the time only 1 to 2 rally is
build. It’s the same problem as we’re still seing Starter weapon, tank in High BR.

if they were really 10 rally each game i’m pretty sure this thing would have been nerfed long ago

I’m agree but you should do ground attack only when you don’t have any flying treat existing

Yes, but you really doesn’t need 10 rally points on one side to get steam roll match.

It takes just one 4 stack = 4 rally points.

And from my experience, average team without grouped players consist of ±2 decent players who actually keep building rally points.

So the outcome is pretty much obvious.

Having more rally points is such a huge advantage. Solo player can rarely effectively counter it.

I feel like rallies are too well established for the game to be completely removed

I still think moving them back to 100m is the safest thing to do.


there are 10 players on both teams, if one 1 of the 2 teams of almost all 10 players builds a rally you have a higher chance of winning than the opposite team with 10 players that don’t prioritize that. also watch the video on their youtube channel and after I think 20 spawns on the rally, the rally destroys itself and you have to build a new one anyway.

How about 100m for an engineer-built rally and 50m for an APC?

Interesting. I did not know that.

Also, if the player that built the rally had spawn priority it might encourage people to build their own?

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why make APCs better than rallies tho?

My first thought was to have no distance limit but instead to limit the number of spawns (insert number to argue about here…) but them decided that might be a bit unbalancing - so I went for an arbitrary 50m instead. Just to make them different to engineer-built rallys.

But you’re right - no compelling reason to make the distance different. Difference for difference sake really :thinking:

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