Allow people to buy extra copies of squads (and legacy squads)

Having extra copies of squads would be beneficial because it would allow players to make dedicated lineups for every BR without having to manually adjust the loadout of squads.

It would not disrupt the existing balance because players can already stack 3 machine gunner squads, riflemen, assaulters, etc. Also, only 1 squad can use a specific vehicle at a time, so you cannot equip 3 tank squads with the same Tiger 2 H.


I just want more Italian squads :pinched_fingers:t2::pinched_fingers:t2:


this is needed, esp in the USSR/Japan factions


I need me my UK anti tank team


Some team logos and introductions have special significance for players, as they have unique appearances and histories that can provide players with a better experience. I support returning to the old team, even if it requires replacing with the existing team.

Please continue to speak out, only by uniting as one can DF see our demands :sob:


that’s necessary
need more squards for different ranks


AND… event squads!

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Legacy squads should not be reintroduced in any capacity. If your desire is to have more accessible presets for different BRs, then the correct solution is to rework the currently underwhelming preset system. NOT to add back removed content that was deemed unnecessary.

Or just make it so when we save a lineup, it saves the soldiers/equipment in the squads as well. So when I swap lineup presets it auto re-equips soldiers. Also means I don’t need 3 sets of assaulters, engis, etc.

I just want to get the legacy italian assaulter squad. I didnt play much tunisia back then

If Dark Force made premium squads that you could purchase more then one, I would have already done that with a couple of squads. But if they would just give people the chance to get some of the old legacy squads back, their wouldn’t be a need. I most likely would not buy back all the old legacy squads, I would only buy the ones I intend on using. I would love to have my old assaulter squads back so I can equip them with any smg to build a fighting lineup in every BR level. I did it easily with the Allies as I have three premium level one smg squads, but this is the only faction I have been able to do it without canibalizing other BR level squads that I already had locked in.

Another cure at least in my case would be if DF would make ALL their premium squads with interchangeable weapons load outs, this way I can buy a squad I want and change the weapons to a different level. I might even buy a squad I knew the weapons sucked just to have the squad. If the weapons were good, I would just place them with other troops on other squads. If not, then DF still made their premium squad sale, and I got a squad I can use at another level, where I need the squad help.

My desire is to also equip the Chi-Ri II and the Ho-Ri in the same loadout, which is currently impossible because both vehicles are locked to only 1 squad. How might you propose this be fixed?