Allow higher tier equipment to play on moscow

Moscow has some of my all time favorite maps but I hate only being able to play it as tier 2 I always get up tiered to normandy or berlin yet if I play as tier 4 it locks out moscow? If the game is going to play favorites then at least allow a seperate option to play on moscow with the possibility of going against higher tier weaponry even if you have tier 2 loaded.


Moscow is low-BR because of the timeline. You’re missing out on Moscow because you’re playing BR4, which, with history proves, is more Berlin based.

Solution: set up a BR1/2 platoon for USSR and you’ll get a lot of Moscow battles.


damn, kt spammers on quarry, as if it wasnt enough of them on other maps


But if rzhev and stalingrad can be high br why cant moscow? It would bring variety to the enless urban combat in high br


I’m guessing that Moscow was more 1941, whereas Rzhev and Stalingrad was more 1942-1943. As we know, there was much difference in fighting ability between those few years. Just my tuppence though.


Quite sure the same advice as BR2 against KV / T34 works on this as well.
Use plane.

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1942-1943 maps should still not have 1944-1945 equipment in my opinion. But the devs dont seem to care about that kind of accuracy so think moscow could work fine in high br. Alao they could just rename the maps to something generic eastern front

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entire BR5 is filled with proto / never used weaponry.
Quite hard to imagine how certain maps would make any differency regarding “Muh histori acuracy”

Thats what im thinking. So what is stopping the devs from adding moscow in high br is the real question

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Just get rid of map br restriction completely.


(@Veekay45 coming to the op after reading this:)



The timeline or HA argument is lame.

It’s a fun map and needs some high tier BR action. Same with Tunisia!

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Time line ?
And what’s about Volkstum’s uniform in Stalingrad /Moscow /Normandy /Ardennes /Tunisia ?

And what’s about Berlin’s proto stuff in Stalingrad ?


a proto/limited production would require a split timeline
b late war gear in early war battles would require a time machine

And what makes them early war battles other than them being old moscow maps ?
Name them snow 1,2,3,4,5 and not a single new player knows they are “early war” maps.

one history, two death to noob stompers

This excuse will never stand as long as Tiger 1 can’t appear in Tunisia.
Stop using HA to cover up laziness. Don’t think Volkstrum weapons or Pz3n should appear in Moscow either.


Moscow and Tunisia should be available for high BRs. I like both of these campaigns but I resent playing at BR II or III because I find the players to be frustratingly worse then BR IV/V.

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