Allies Tunisia

Long story short:
We dont have enough players for every campaign and faction
Since the beginning, axis tunisia was the worst faction to grind.
%80 bot axis vs % 80 real ally players continued for a long time.
Somethimes migration of players happens between campaigns.
After the pacific update another migration wave happened and tides turned.
Ally players migrated or chose to play as axis in tunisia
Stalingrad (suprisingly) became the most balanced and alive campaign
Japan is still dominant in pacific
I dont know the situation in moscow
In berlin, allies stomp hard as f…
That " allies are dominant in tunisia" is a 6 month old new.


The sides swapped. Now Brits are being humiliated in Tunisia almost all the time. The picture you’ve described is very accurate almost for 90% of the games I’ve played during the last month in Tunisia. Same if for the Pacific, where Japs were very dominant during the first couple of weeks after being released. Then they began to suffer for some time, and now the US is losing almost every single match again. This game has significant balance issues, and I doubt they will be fixed anytime in the future.

Almost all the campaigns except Moscow are one-sided in this game. The thing is that only Normandy has it’s one-sidedness constant (US being humiliated all the time). All the other campaigns swap sides from time to time,

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Moscow is the healthiest campaign is this game for a while now.

Strange. Others were complaining about full auto spam and soviet op in other topics.

I’m not touching Stalingrad with a ten-foot-pole, so I’ll trust you on that one but I’ve been playing both Moscow and Berlin quite a bit in the last few weeks. From my experience they’ve both been one sided at times, perfectly balanced in a sense it takes hours for a single game and it’s won by a sliver and everything in between. That’s perfectly fine. I’ve given pacific a shot and while it’s not my cup I’ve seen either side win or straight up dominate. But I don’t get what’s up with Tunisia.

I don’t consider myself experienced enough to claim that aksuhly the carcano v12.1 is 0.53^% superior to SMLE or anything silly as such. I’m just flabbergasted at the admittedly subjective but constantly unbelievably massive difference in sheer player skill between the sides. Did all the “good” allies suddenly migrate or something?

So, what’s the deal?

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Yep, full-auto spam is an issue (of all the campaigns except the Pacific I suppose). But at least, the matches are pretty unpredictable. Thus in the context of this topic, the campaign is pretty healthy.

With respect what drugs are you on when you consider consistent less than 1% win rate for one side and 90%+ win rate for the other healthy? I’ve recently had maybe 20 axis Tunisia games as an observation experiment of sorts where I basically AFK’d in a corner and my team beat them black and blue, with one near loss.

Again, I’m not crying nerf or whatever. I’m just trying to understand the hell is going on, and why?

He can only speak for the server and the time he play.
For different time or different server, the situation may be very different.

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Moscow IS full auto spam, sadly…

But not only from the Soviet side, axis spam automatics just as much…

Still an interesting campaign thought.

and you forgot to mention constant phosphorus rain atop of it all

i played allies too last two days i won maybe three times, thursday wasnt that bad (eastern europe servers only)
but yesterday looked like severely handicapped players joined only and today as well

we played against the most aborted kids in universe

if i join axis on the other hand im instantly encountering games where i have virtually no oppposition and observing how obssessed people killin everything that moves for bunch of shenanigans it can give

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Tunisia is finally balanced

I’m starting to see changes here. Slowly, but surely, allies players are coming back. This or axis players got bored and switched campaign.

Sure, Normandy is THE campaign where the playerbase both allies AND axis are the less smart (or more casual?) Because of reasons, so it’s to be taken with a grain of salt.

I’m glad seeing allies win a little more than 2-3 months ago however, because I missed my Rhino and Chaffee. I missed the allies faction a lot, and axis didn’t interest me as much here, as I have maxed it in all other campaigns…

“Ooooh YEAAAH” “ALRIGHT LET’S GOOO” and all the stupid lines allies scream. They’re so fun to play.

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Allies had the advantage at lower levels, with their first tank being far more effective than the armored car in addition to a number of other small advantages. This, compounded by engineers formerly being restricted to level 9, led to Allies being bandwagoned despite being equal if not inferior at higher levels. To address this the Axis kept getting more and more beneficial ticket numbers and objective cap times. Eventually this hit a tipping point where players finally realized the balance had flipped around so far they might as well hop sides and take advantage, leveling up the Axis.

The main problem with Enlisted as far as balance goes is the community bandwagoning of factions.


It’s all about Motivation! To Britain!


Say that to my BAR M1918A2 and M1928 USMC

I am not talking about what spesific gun is better or not. Didnt they teach you how tou read in school ?

Weaponery determines which side is better.

Japan has best Bolt actions.
America has best Submachine Guns, Tanks, and everything else.

The Type 97 Lmg and BAR M1918A2 are the best guns in the whole campaign though so there tied there.

Were? Thompson :rofl:

Ba perform the same for all faction, next if you like BA of a faction more is a your preference

Is fine

Is an automatic rifle is the american Fg42 for be simplest