Could not build a rally even 115 meters away from the right side of the map and kept saying i was too close to the damn cap point. im sitting on my fucking spawn ive pushed so far back from 45 meters. Could only build a rally when i was on the far right side 140 meters away, AT-44 Squad, and the premium AS44 squad could not build a single fucking rally on the right side. We got stomped bc there were no rallies at all on the right side of the map
second game now this, what in the god damn fuck darkflow… what the fuck
All soviet Premium and event squad engineers are bugged and unplayable
Can your normal engies build normally? Because it sounds more like a map bug than a squad bug to me
Strangely now it seems to work? I dont know what happened, but i couldnt build a single rally with them. On my second game it fixed itself??
You are trying to build a rally point too close to the regular spawn point.
Lol I guess reading what it said is too hard for you.
Thanks for your intellectual and helpful response khtk, but if you look at the screenshot i provided in my post, and read my post earlier, you can clearly see that i am 105 meters away from Bravo, i ran from 45 meters from Bravo, all the way back to where i was, looking for a place that would let me set a rally. It said the exact same thing the entire time. This was the SECOND game in a row this happened. This was a bug, no doubt.
Not a bug, you are literally right on top of the regular spawn points when you are trying to build your rally points. You can’t be too close to those or you can’t build a rally. The reason for this is because if your rally is too close to the regular spawn then your rally is functionally redundant.
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I understand, I know this. What I’m saying is, it was giving me that notification when I was away from the spawn, and only 45 meters away from the obj, i backed off to 50, and then kept backing up and finding level areas, I wish I took a screenshot when i was there. but that was when it started. Not at spawn.