All-seeing enemy

How is it that there are enemies who know where you are at every damn moment?

It’s like you’re in the middle of the Sahara desert behind a dune and suddenly a bomb falls on you, a shot to the head or God knows what they kill you with.

The human eyes can see every thing if is moving this applies to the Game but with the consideration that You must need in low altitude also marking randomdly helps to mark tanks and structures or sometimes we got enemy eyes everywhere ( snipers)

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Plus sometimes there is just “spray and pray” with MG’s and mortars shooting at what the player thinks are likely enemy locations.

I for one don’t immediately go from rearm to shitting out all my ordnance into the cap zone blindly (unlike so many others, for whatever reason)

If you take a short time circling above you can usually spot most vehicles quite easily. Or follow the tracers. Lots of tracers coming out of area == juicy killfeed

On the ground you still follow the tracers, or unironically listen (up close)
Bushes/foliage moves when infantry goes through them. Sometimes you can spot movement. Sometimes you lit something up on a hunch, literally checking with your boolits