All pistols are too close to the camera

All pistols (to my knowledge) are too close to the camera. For example here is a picture of the type 94 pistol:

As you can see the gun is very close to the camera, so close in fact that sometimes if you fire too fast it’ll clip through the camera. If you look at the shadow in the bottom left you can see the soilder has quite a bit of distance between himself and the gun.

I suggest:

•all pistols have their sights redone to reflect how the soilder actually aims the gun instead of being extremely close to the camera.


Not really only that pistol is too close the other one are perfect for aiming


Maybe you just need to increase your FOV because on higher than 90 it not looking that close

My FOV is maxed out.

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Not true. This is a particularly bad example but nearly all pistols have this problem. For example the camera is on the wrist not in the head, as shown here:


this ans change the 1st and 3rd person animation to one handed shooting