All Materials in Enlisted

default       - hard ground with grass;
concrete      - smooth concrete road, asphalt, concrete floors;
stone         - paving stones, stones;
steel         - metal surfaces, metal objects;
soil          - ground, hard ground;
leaves        - heaps of leaves, sheet layer;
dirt          - soft ground cover;
roadSoil      - rolled earth road;
roadmud       - road covered in mud;
sand          - loose sand on a dune, increased slip;
moon_sand     - moon sand;
sand_slope    - sand on the slopes;
quarrySand    - deep sand in quarries;
roadSand      - trampled sandy road;
snow          - snow;
mud           - deep mud;
ice           - clear ice;
roadSnow      - snowy road;
rocks         - paving stones, stones;
rocksSlipper  - wet rocky surfaces with increased slip;
gravel        - gravel on a railway embankment or gravel path;
fabric        - fabrics, tarpaulin, etc. types;
glass         - glass surfaces;
wood          - wood surfaces;

Based on physmat.blk

This doesn’t define texture! This defines physical material.


Thx for the post.
Is there known data of the effects, the different terrain materials cause e.g. on movement speed of infantry/wheeled cars/tracked vehicles or blast/shrapnell radius of HE/bombs/grenades etc.?