Alfered Becker

Oberstleutnant Alfred Becker - Warfare History Network


sure would be lovely to get him as an engineer GO.

and some of his creations as event vehicles.

but, everything is unsure.
hope in at least the first one.


7.5 cm Pak 40 (Sf) Fahrgestell FCM 36 (f)
7,5 cm PAK 40 auf Pz.Kpfw. FCM 36 (f) ICM 1/35 - Ready for Inspection ...
10.5 cm leFH 18 GeschĂźtzwagen auf FCM 36 (f)
10.5cm leFH 16(sf) auf Geschützwagen FCM36(f) – IPMS Deutschland
7.5 cm PaK 40 Geschuetzwagen auf Lorraine Schlepper (f)
Panzerjäger 7,5 cm PaK 40/1 auf Geschßtzwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f ...
10.5 cm leFH 18(Sf) auf Geschuetzwagen auf Lorraine (f)
10.5cm leFH-18/40 auf Geschuetzwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f)
10.5 cm leFH 18(Sf) Artilleriepanzer (f)
10 5 cm lefh 18 hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy


15 cm sFH13/1 (Sf) auf Geschuetzwagen auf Lorraine (f)
15 cm sFH 13/1 (Sf.) auf GeschĂźtzwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f) - Tank ...
großer Funk-und Beobachtungswagen auf Lorraine (f)
Grosser Funk-und Beobachtungspanzer auf Lorraine-Schlepper (f)
12.2 cm Kanone (r) auf Geschuetzwagen Lorraine (f)
12,2 cm s.F.H.396(r) auf GeschĂźtzwagen Lorraine 37L(f) : Germany (DEU)

  • Gefechtsfeld-Versorgungsfahrzeug Lorraine 37L (f)
    Lorraine 37L - French tanks supply tractor
  • Munitionstransportkraftwagen auf Lorraine Schlepper
    15 cm sFH 13/1 (Sf.) auf GeschĂźtzwagen Lorraine Schlepper(f) - Tank ...
  • 7,5 cm PaK 40(Sf) auf GeschĂźtzwagen 39H (f) (60 built)

The 75 mm Pak 40 mounted on the chassis of the Hotchkiss H 39 light tank, with steel plates formed to create a protected crew compartment.
"7.5 cm Pak 40(Sf) auf GeschĂźtzwagen 39H(f)" in Normandy - German ...

  • 10.5 cm leFH18(Sf) auf GeschĂźtzwagen 39H (f) (60 built)

The 105 mm leFH howitzer mounted on the chassis of the Hotchkiss H 39 medium tank, with steel plates cut and welded to form a protected crew compartment. It is similar to the Wespe.
Gaijin Please: 10.5cm LeFH 18/3 auf GeschĂźtzwagen B2(f) : Warthunder

  • großer Funk-und Beobachtungpanzer 38H(f) (30 built)

A command and artillery observation vehicle based on the Hotchkiss H38 medium tank.

  • Panzerkampfwagen 35H (f) mit 28/32 cm Wurfrahmen

The Hotchkiss H 35 with its issue small turret, supplemented with four to six 28 or 32 cm rockets mounted in their crates to the sides of the tank.
Großer Funk- und Befehlspanzer 38H(f) : Německo (DEU)

  • Artillerieschlepper 38H (f)
    Axis Tanks and Combat Vehicles of World War II: Panzerkampfwagen 38H 735(f)
    The Hotchkiss H 38 simplified to a tractor to pull a field gun.
    Panzerkampfwagen 38H 735(f) code 133 | World War Photos
  • kleiner Funk Beobachtungspanzer (40 built)

A small command and artillery observation vehicle built on the chassis of the Renault light tank. Kleiner Funk- und Beobachtungspanzer UE(f) : Germany (DEU)


The SOMUA MCL light-halftrack, an unarmoured and essentially unmodified softskin vehicle.

  • Zugkraftwagen S307 (f)

The SOMUA MCG halftrack modified with armour plate covering to the front over the radiator and to the windscreen, short armoured bed, otherwise a softskin half-track.

  • mSPW S303 (f) (Pionier)
    schwere Reihenwerfers auf Fahrgestell S 303(f)
    An armoured personnel carrier halftrack based on the SOMUA MCL. Equivalent of the Sd.Kfz. 251/7 Pionierpanzerwagen: an assault engineer vehicle with special tools, explosives and fittings to carry assault bridge ramps on the sides.

  • mSPW S307(f)

An armoured personnel carrier halftrack based on the SOMUA MCG. Equivalent of the Sd.Kfz. 251/1.

  • 7.5 cm PaK 40 mSPW S307(f) auf SOMUA MCG (72 built)

An armoured SOMUA half-track mounting the 75mm Pak 40. This vehicle preceded development of the Sd.Kfz. 251/22 by a year.

  • 2 cm Flak 38 Flakpanzer / Halftrack (82 built)

An armoured SOMUA half-track mounting the 20 mm Flak 38 in single mount.

  • 2 cm Flakvierling 38 Flakpanzer / Halftrack (18 built)
    [Photo] German SdKfz 10/4 halftrack vehicle with 2-cm FlaK 38 gun ...
    An armoured SOMUA half-track mounting the Quad 20 mm Flak 38.

  • Raketenwerfer S303 (f) auf SOMUA MCL

8 cm rockets mounted on rails, with two racks of ten rails for total of twenty 80 mm rocket rounds per load, mounted on the SOMUA MCL. The rockets are similar to the ‘Stalin’s Organ’ Katyusha rockets.

  • 8 cm Vielfachwerfer S303 (f) auf SOMUA (6 built)

Mounts two racks of ten 8 cm rockets similar to the ‘Stalin’s Organ’ Katyusha rockets.

  • 8 cm Schwerer Reihenwerfer S303 (f) auf SOMUA (16 built)

20 tubes of 81mm French Brandt mortars set on two tiers and mounted on the back of SOMUA MCG.

  • 8 cm Leichter Reihenwerfer S307 (f) auf SOMUA (36 built)

20 tubes of 81 mm French Brandt mortars mounted on the back of the SOMUA MCL.

Several hundred of these were armoured to convert them to the U304(f) armoured personnel carriers.

  • Zugkraftwagen U304(f)
    Unic p107 – leichter Zugkraftwagen U304 (f) with Flak 38 Anti-Aircraft ...
    A softskin half-track transport based on the Unic P107 halftrack.

  • leSPW U304 (f) auf Unic P107

An armoured version of the P107 halftrack, a lighter version of the Sd.Kfz. 251 series armoured personnel carrier.

  • leSPW U304 (f) (Fkl) auf Unic P107
    Rare WW2 Unic P107 Leichter Schutzenpanzer Flak 38 - leSPW U304(f ...
    An equivalent of the Sd.Kfz. 251/3 or 251/8 radio/command vehicles.
    3,7 cm PaK 36 auf leSPW U304(f) : Německo (DEU)

  • 2 cm Flak 36 leSPW U304(f) auf Unic P107 (82 built)

Single mount of the 20mm Flak 36 (similar to the Sd.Kfz. 251/17).

  • 2 cm Flakvierling 36 leSPW U304(f) auf Unic P107 (18 built)

Quad 20mm Flak 36 mounted on the Unic P107 (similar to the Sd.Kfz. 251/17).
1:87 SdKfz FLAKVIERLING 38mm GEPANZERT Wespe military resin ready built 87143 - Picture 1 of 4

  • 3.7 cm Pak 36 leSPW U304 (f) auf Unic P107

A 37 mm Pak 36 mounted on the Unic P107 (similar to the Sd.Kfz. 251/10, but built by Becker about a year before).

  • 8 cm GrW leSPW U304 (f) auf Unic P107

An 80 mm mortar mounted inside the Unic P107 (similar to the Sd.Kfz. 251/2).
Sdkfz 251 hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy

  • Mannschaftstransportpanzer Halbkette (120 built)

A Panzer recovery half-track.

  • Munitions-Lastkraftwagen mit Anhänger (48 built)

An ammunition truck.

  • Werkstatt-Lastkraftwagen (28 built)

A repair vehicle.

  • Treibstoff-Lastkraftwagen (64 built)

A fuel truck.

  • Arzt-Personenkraftwagen (12 built)

A physician vehicle.

  • Krankenkraftwagen (48 built)

An ambulance vehicle.

  • Sanitäts-Lastkraftwagen (12 built)

A medical service vehicle.

  • Operationswagen (6 built)

A mobile surgical suite vehicle based on the Isobloc Typ W 843 bus.

  • Mannschaftstransportwagen (60 built)

An armoured personnel carrier.

  • KĂźchenwagen (32 built)
    A baker’s truck.

  • Befelswagen (40 built)

A command vehicle.y

  • Funkwagen (24 built)

A radio vehicle.

  • Fernsprechwagen (24 built)

A telephone line vehicle.

  • Tross-Lastkraftwagen 3 ton (120 built)

A three ton heavy supply truck.

  • Tross-Lastkraftwagen 3 ton geländegängig (24 built)

A three ton heavy supply truck (off road).

  • Tross Anhänger 3 ton (40 built)

A three ton supply truck.

  • Krafträder, solo (72 built)

A motorcycle.

  • Krafträder und Beiwagen (24 built)

A motorcycle and sidecar.YY


Thank you very much for mentioning Baukommando Becker!


no problem a genius at spg’s and taking old hulls and giving them new life, a real-world kit basher


I’d love to see any of these unique vehicles in game, and I don’t mind if they’re open top either, as personally I’m a Dicker Max enjoyer in this game.

When I think of WW2 German vehicles I think of all these ‘weird’ designs that were only possible because of necessity, during a very rapidly and constantly evolving conflict. ‘Normies’ may immediately go for the behemoths of the late war, such as the Tiger II’s and whatever (I love them too, don’t get me wrong). But I personally love all these rare stuff, including some early war ‘tin boxes’ on tracks with some very beefy artillery cannons on top. I use to browse WW2 artillery books as a kid, and seeing all these odd SPGs Germany did, they always stood out for me.


oh yea wespe a very interesting vehicle that idk how it would work in enlisted if it got added

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