Airfields, attacker planes count and team size

All maps should have either carriers(naval planes only) or airfields(pontoon planes cant land) available for repairs. It is silly they don’t. On these airfields you should be able to get out and repair your plane without facing an out of bounds penalty. Airfields should be the only way to rearm ammo as well, giving the front some relief from constant bombing runs. I believe in the end this works out for everyone and balances the playing field much more.

I also feel 2 attackers should be allowed to be fielded per team at once and 1 fighter(as it is now). This way teams can cycle their bombing runs OR fly together for a bigger punch, while fighters can actually fill their role as escort primarily instead of being zippier and lighter bombers as they are now. With this change I would also recommend adding 1 extra player to each team to compensate for the additional squad being removed from the ground fighting in the form of a second attacker. I would imagine something could be done to allow the server to handle 2 more players per match.

Also, don’t start about queues. A game shouldn’t be developed(nor anything for that matter) using fear based decisions such as “there will be longer queue times.” It is necessary to make the game better and that requires innovation.

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So of the 12 squads you want five would be vehicle compared to the current three of ten, you are aware this is an infantry game to maintain balance you would need to add 5 infantry squads bringing it to 15 meaning maps would need to be bigger. and yes 15 this is an infantry game we need to maintain the three to one infantry to vehicle ratio at least.

That is of course ignoring the attacker to tank ratio of two to one, so four tanks three planes meaning twenty-one infantry for twenty-eight squads, simply put you cannot simply add more planes.

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Did you even read me saying that they should add a player to each team to compensate? Primarily I care about the airfields being added anyway. Its not an “infantry game,” it has multiple vehicle types.

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Did you read my post that’s not enough you must maintain the ratio between vehicle slots and infantry which is not one for one, World of warship has planes but it is a warship game not a vehicle game, so if you just want the airfield fine but increasing planes means maintaining the ratio

So of the 12 squads you want five would be vehicle compared to the current three of ten - yes i read your post i simply disagree

Okay, so if 30% vehicles vs 40% vehicles is that much of a dif, lets add 2 players to each team. :smiley: That makes it 35% and we can all be happy.

ok ignoring the fighter as long as it does not have bomb or rocket that’s four vehicle but five slots two infantry squad per dangerous vehicle means eight

five vehicle squad and eight infantry means 13 squads
now if the fighter can attack ground targets we need two mores quad bringing the total to 15 squads five vehicle and ten infantry

so no skewing in harder in favor of vehicle is not ok so long as vehicles can stay in the gray zone and shoot out into none gray zone

if the fighter can attack ground targets with anything but guns or cannons that would make five of twelve or forty percent, a twenty percent shift over the current so hell no

if the fighter only has cannons and guns 36 percent a twelve percent shift bad but tolerable. so ok if you don not give the fighter bombs or rockets.

You had me until you said to add another CAS plane.

Playing against CAS heavy factions is already an oppressive experience in BR V and adding another one will just amplify the problem. People aren’t going to fly back and reload, the’ll just kamikaze like they already do to get a fresh CAS plane. The last thing the infantry need to face is MORE HE spam.

I mean fine, tbh, like I said above, I mostly care about the airfields. I can see the issue I suppose, but adding 2 infantry to each team seems to fix that issue in my opinion, maybe another fighter then? Regardless, airfield needs to happen.

About the kamikaze thing, respawns on planes are quite long so idk.

jump on the bandwagon

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About attackers and fighters, I think it should be 2 planes in the air allowed instead of only 1 attacker and 1 fighter.

I did, this is a fantastic post!