Aircraft reloading ammo

Yesterday while playing American sqaud tier ll, I was close to reloading on both aircraft and the ammo icon kept moving on me. Very frustrating on both aircraft. This happen to anyone else? Any advice? Even reduced airspeed, didn’t help. Thanks in advance.

You could not reload ammo for your planes?

That is correct. Ammo icon kept moving.

The ammo point should not move.
It can look like it did, when you miss the point.
Just fly straight into it at any speed and it should reload your plane when the distance is 0.


Check your altitude, sometimes you have to fly within an altitude window to get a reload. If you miss the window when you’re too high or low you’ll see that rubber banding effect that you’re describing.


^^^^ - this - it is possible to fly under or even over the icon on some maps. Not sure exactly what the altitude tolerance is for it, but you want to be close to is as you pass under it

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Yeah weird on some maps you can (or could) fly far under the reload point, even almost at ground level, and still be reloaded.
But I never do that, I dont want to miss the reload and turn back again.

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