Don’t you feel frustrated, when after intense manoeuvring, you finally have the enemy in your sights, ready to shoot your salvo at them, when at the last moment, knowing they lost, they bail out, denying your hard-earned points? Or even the moment they spot you? It’s an asshole move, where instead of taking shots like a champ, they J-out like a pussy.
My suggestion is to make it so that when they do so, the nearest player in an aircraft or AAA gets a kill score for pilot being a chicken and abandoning their plane.
Why do they give you points?
Because you are being played by the enemy? Or have no chance to hit them?
Preventing the enemy from gaining points and affecting morale is just one type of tactic
It may not be in line with your personal subjective morality, but it is very useful.
There’s the problem (other than the fact that my current plane doesn’t have CAS capabilities outside of guns (Fighter III squad issue)), I can’t focus on CAS when enemy is in the air, because they will immediately jump on an occasion to kill me, but (sometimes) when I try to engage them, they get cold feet and bail out, depriving me of points and taking up time I could spend CASing. Especially when we get into a dogfight, trying to get on each other’s tail, but when the moment of victory is close, they get the last laugh, both by denying me points and wasting my time.
Well, to be fair, the whole post is because within the past 24h I got quite a few of them, which got me a bit heated. Frankly, they could make it so that you can “shoot down” an empty plane, as currently they’re instant write off the moment the pilot leaves it, so it still requires a bit of skill instead of straight reward for existing. Just how you can claim the empty tank, which actually brings up a problem of kill stealing tanks by just plinking them with a rifle, but that’s another topic.