Either give me an option to turn off crossplay or dial back their absolutely broken aimbot holy shit
It is not fair at all for mouse and keyboard players to have to actually play the game and controller players on console get to just pull the left trigger and snap to people left and right. What actual animal thought that was a good and balanced mechanic.
i agree
crossplay only exists to prop up the game’s dying playerbase but more players, surprisingly, would play the game if they had the option to play with their own kind
How else are console player suppose to compete? Keep in mind most people who play are casual
I agree.
But I also agree with OP. It’s not just merely aim assist. it’s aimbot. I would not mind if the aim assist would merely… assist console players while… AIMING.
But that’s the thing. They don’t. they all snapshot. every time I see I get snapshoted in a fraction of second from afar and the guy does not even have his weapon shouldered… It’s a console player. This aiming assistance should ONLY being effective if the player takes time to shoulder and aim with his rifle, not just clicking (or pressing) aim + fire in the same fraction of second in the general direction of his opponent. That isn’t talent, skill, competitiveness or whatever you name it… It’s a computer killing me. Not a player.
The problem is, how do you know it’s a player killing you and not an (AI) bot? I know on Moscow we have elite sniper AI that one-shots you from 300-500 meters with M1907 Mosins and No-scope Kar-98Ks.
AI don’t shoot at targets that far out.
I know this… because those very bots that snipe through buildings, grass, bushes and smoke… shoulder their weapons when then shoot. I’m also not sure if bots have the controller icon beside their name.
This 100%
Thank you for laying it out better than I did with my pissy rant too lmao
If you play enough you can kinda tell
Plus bots don’t do one after the other like you’re playing CoD on console snapping from target to target LT RT LT RT LT RT
I can respect another player for sniping me or besting me with good reflexes.
I just cannot respect a console/computer program for besting me however. Aim assist is just as silly as aimbot sometimes.
I wouldn’t minde some form of assistance for console players… but they need to reduce it’s sensitivity/speed at which it acquires target, having the player at least use a modicum of talent, and time to aim.
“Noscopes” snapshots from 200m away isn’t talent. It’s just aimbot/aim assist.
That would require a complete redo
Since the way they have it setup is like CoD campaign assist like when Gaz teaches you to snap to targets in CoD4. Going in and out of ADS snaps to target, but doesn’t follow iirc.
Its completely skill-less for the most part.
Seriously, PC players have a lot of advantages over console players. Aside from maybe a few times where I noticed they got a quick shot off on me that they probably shouldn’t have, 95% of the time I never notice a difference.
This still continues to amuse me because aim assist is absolute garbage on this game.
Aim assist is absurdly broken with boltactions, I played a fair bit on console and all you have to do to get kills with a BA is just left trigger right trigger and repeat. (Works amazing for sniping with a standard BA too lmao). The only time it sucks is if you’re trying to aim in the distance but there’s an enemy next to you. As for other weapons the aim assist is mediocre at best. TBH tho if consoles can have the option to turn on/off crossplay, PC should have that option too.
Aim-assist shouldn’t even be a feature for online-gaming.
Remove it entirely and force players to learn how to be better at aiming (or die trying)
Having played this both on PC and on a PS5, aim assist is broken.
For bolt actions, it’s basically aimbot, i can replicate what the AI does when they do 60 degrees snaps to the side and insta-lock and insta-shoot you, a console can replicate that reliably. Which is not OK
Semi autos are a little less snappy, however, they are pretty guilty of this as well.
Automatics are the only weapons where I would say aim assist is relatively OK, it’s not as snappy as bolt actions are, and less likely to lock and stick to you. All of the weapons have different tunings for aim assist. BA and Semi autos are the worst offenders.
It either needs to be disabled, or just give PC and option to turn off crossplay.
Its really not lmao
It just doesn’t have Halo/GTAO tier tracking
Aim assist exists because a controller stick isn’t as accurate as a mouse. Aim assist has been a thing since fps has been on console
I use a controller, and have never had issues playing any FPS without auto-aim.
Auto-aim/auto-assist takes the fun out of the game.
Perhaps on single-player games or co-op vs A.I…
But for online gaming, when it’s PvP… that’s bullshit.
It only artificially inflates people’s “skills”, like a handicap.
I detect salt