Ai - squad members

why oh why do they stand up when heald and then get wiped out - why is their no spawn protection cos one prick can find ya spawn n kill every one init with a flame thrower or lmg and yet it constantly tellyou to return to the battle field but they continue to do so iii—iii squad do it all the time their should be dead their out of bounds infact their so fast 200 from the front their operating in the rear - so whyarent they getting penalty cos I cant do it it will kill my squad so u better examine these aimbo hack players
if I see I refused to play imout of the game

Ok seriously are these people 9 year olds or something? Coherency is at an all time low over here. I could understand the Google Translate Russian better than this guy

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Imagine asking for a suggestion and then insulting people trying to understand what you say.

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Already planned on it buddro