AI seriously needs improvement

AI has got to be the biggest embaresment for DF and if I were them I would pause almost everything to improve them. They are this games unique feature that you control a squad not a single rambo soldier which is more HA than other games of the same genre.

However, it is EMBARRASINGLY BAD. Why does the AI ALWAYS want to get in front on my Gun when I mount it on the ground??? They always crawl in front of me blocking my shots. They don’t undertand what is cover and what isn’t, they dont keep up with you, instead they do this weird sprint-walk-sprint-walk-sprint-walk.

As a side note I also find it incredibly hard to snipe AI when they are on the move because they jitter around with seemingly no rhyme or reason, they stop randomly for a milisecond and then continue running, they jitter back and forth, they crouch randomly and even when youre close to them they move unnaturaly and they change dirrection instantly.


Enlisted has arguable the worse AI I can remember ever playing in a game. Personally, if DF could have fixed it, they would have by now, unless it’s just not a priority for them. Maybe creating AI is not their specialty.

Combo effect…Bad match making + bad AI + frontal attack maps = bad gaming experience. :grimacing:


It gets more embarassing since this issue was “fixed” by the devs like three times now, maybe even more.


Middle Ground existed in old times, where their main flaw as that they could see and shoot through bushes and smoke screens, which people (reasonably) did not enjoy.
And funny enough, they still do that, now they only have worse aim.


Overall, the AI development is a joke.
The only consistent thing is the addition of new abilites but half of the time those are orders they barely follow or squad formation orders people do not even bother to use. Like how many people are actually using individual placement order for their squad, especially as Attacker?
Stuff like getting in front of you all the time, not helping you to build stuff, using cover or going into trenches, using windows or swimming (not even talking about direct combat skills) feels Groundhog Day. Or that they still cannot destroy or even evade mines.


the eternal problem is: some players want better ai, other players will instantly whine and complain when an ai update is announced claiming “ai is always killing me, i cant do nuffin!!!” even despite the update not being released yet.

df and gaijin in their incompetence always listen to the loudest whiners. until that doesnt change, there wont be any significant ai improvements, as df prefers to stay in the path of least resistance against the butthurt whiners.


i only see one order,
hold position

are there more ? :face_with_monocle: :scream:

is not intuitive either on a FPS game to stop and give orders to bots.

Just like the bumpy stairs were “Fixed”


I’d be okay with through smoke kills. Heck I’ve sprayed through smoke to get kills before. People who think that smoke grenades give you a free pass to walk into an area are kidding themselves. smoke grenades are useful don’t get me wrong, but they are unnatural on a battlefield and give your position away more times than not. Especially if I saw you before the smoke went off or you’re trying to set a charge in Demolition I’m spraying at that smoke and fishing for a white hit marker, or the token grenade throw into the smoke.

I honestly pre-set my squads to follow close (This helped them actually keep up a bit and stay out of my crosshair when firing at the enemy crazy enough). And I tell them to be aggressive which never helps. I still get the occasional guy that will just get blood lust and run after the enemy to get killed in the open. But overall, the AI needs to be better.

I see where you’re coming from ParaDivision, it’s sad too because these are the same people that play the game for a session or two than drop it and never come back claiming its “boring, or too easy to get kills”.

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I’ve always believed that the killcam was a ridiculous feature. Totally kills immersion.

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is worse when you respawn inmediatly in the same place you died.
in other games, you have to start again from the spawn

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There are two big obstacles;
1- Its questionablethat an average player has a brain.
2- devs capabilty to pull that of is unclear.


Been said to death but: even if we got Brothers in Arms style

[ basic movement commands, basic Engage/Assault commands, soldiers take cover in realistic poses, AI shoots often but not accurately ]

We’d all be happy


Well, capabilities of AI are a question, but in terms of errr “performance parameters”, AI can be able to deal significant damage.
As mentioned before, the bots could kill you quite decently in the CBT. The major issue was that they could see through bushes, smoke, etc., which they still did not solve; they just have a worse aim now. They could maybe set back the “performance parameters” to CBT, but looking at the crowd the game attracted, especially since late 2022 and 2023, makes me wonder how long they would even stay after that patch.


My thing is that the AI is a major part of the marketing. I mean you watch the steam video for the game and it’s like “Control your squad and switch between soldiers” the switching part yeah, they got that right. The controlling part yeah not so much. And even in the description of the game it’s like “You’re not commanding a single soldier, but an entire squad”. Once again not much control over the AI they just kind of walk and die maybe cherry pick a kill of two but its few and far between. I’m just asking for AI that is useable because this version of AI is not that and it’s unfortunate. They are more of a liability to the player which hurts the overall experience of the game.

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Oh, we all got fooled by the marketing.
Joker - Sad
The game was heavily marketized as historically accurate and is still advertised to some extent (probably because they are too lazy to even delete something properly). Classes also had a different description in the marketing, especially Riflemen, who were supposed to use only semi-automatic and bolt-action rifles.

And oh boy…

they still use pictures with old economy and mention the old academy.


the problem is if the AI could
1 take cover
2 path find (follow players through doors and windows)
3 take less than a minute to shoot
you would have to
a nerf there accuracy
b nerf vision cone
otherwise you would not have soldiers but automated turrets

making them either useless or god tier