AI combat (in)efficiency be like

7 fully upgraded bots died to kill one dude, truly a stellar performance. AI is no different than minions in League of Legends, both exist to farm gold/exp.

Of course remember that AI is being continuously improved… for 4 years

Truth be told, this wasn’t ideal environment for those bots to fight. But that’s how maps are created, so I don’t think it’s a good excuse as maps should have been taken into account when developing the AI.

But at lest we have shiny guns and lots of events.


They were volksturm in the video. But yeah AI sucks. They either 360 no scope you from kilometers away or proceed to do the dumbest shit that gets them killed


true be told it’s NOT a good excuse that the AI performs so terribly, and now that you mention it, it kinda seems like the games xp system is built around shitty AI and without it the game wouldn’t function properly. Whatever the case I wish they would dedicate a great portion of time in REALLY improving the AI instead of making small tweaks here and there hoping it suffices the player base. All that being said it should also be pointed out that coding in general is extremely time consuming and difficult to say the least and AI in general is very complex so to expect the developers to just wave a magic wand and have state of the art AI is not a realistic expectation. I wonder though if it’s due to a lack of capability, money or something else that prevents them from fixing the AI?


unpopular opinion:
they shouldve NEVER designed this game with bots.
they shouldve made zombie killing game like in that event
enlisted wouldve been way more succesful
they are clearly unable to code sufficient ai for a combined arms game


[quote=“VoyoMayPL, post:1, topic:148171”]
minions in League of Legends
[/quote] If only they are the invincible minions from the kid movies

tbh, i think ai is good enough. btw, stupid enemy ai helps with grinding.

I’d like them to be more than moving targets.
The wasted potential of this feature makes me sick.


Agreed. I think the AI should be smarter, and given the above mention of “zombie games” - well, I’ve seen zombie games with far better AI than this.

I mean, I’ve had bots come at me in open ground, and I drop to the ground (lay down), and it’s like they don’t see me (20 feet away), and they turn and run the other direction. Huh? It’s almost literally tunnel vision except the tunnel starts a few feet off the ground.

I’ve never seen another game - EVER - like that.

It’s also a common meme for people to turn into murder hobos with melee weapons and take out the NPCs in a tight enclosed space (say, in a building) while your main is shooting out a window or something. Great, good on you, murder hobo, but it’s not remotely realistic. This isn’t exactly Assassin’s Creed or something.

you think that a game built around terrible AI is a good thing?


im not saying that. im just saying it’s not like the dev are gonna change it any time soon, so maybe try to look on the bright side.

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After 4y of mostly minor improvements it’s hard to look at the bright side.

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It’s honestly kind of embarrassing to have so little to show for so many years of work

The whole AI bot squad system this game is built around is just bad imo. Farming bots is unsatisfying and becomes a chore, just like trying to find a suitable basement to shove my bot squad in to keep my extra lives safe and then being tied to small radius or else they will all come out to get themselves mowed down standing on top of a trench im in or something. It serves only to flood the map with fodder.

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