After finishing the BattlePass

Already finished the battle pass season and have completed almost all of the ranking system with 26 ( ???) days remaining. It’s annoying to now only get levels of $1000 silver and 50% XP bonus when just getting $9000 and %100 XP as a paying BP member. It’s not worth playing until the new season since I was reset from 557 player rating points to 50 with no compensation like unlocking old squads or BP weapons. If you want us playing to keep the matches not filled with AI or bots, you need to work out an incentive as it 's happend to me every BP season since I started last year…VERY annoying!
Also, a counting point runner ( like capturing a point) needs to be made for arming and disarming a bomb. NO ONE seems to do it because it is unrewarded and people would rather stand by it getting kills since it takes to long with no reward.
Incentive gets people involoved and playing…just saying.


Of course, the delays allowed me to get to about 1300
They are irrelevant, you just need to reach 200 to get the rank of Marshal, of course it is irrelevant, a few profile pictures are not worth it, they should set better rewards for the rank of Marshal, and reaching 500, 1000 or … should not have a special reward, some people have little time to play or maybe they have other games to play (right now the only game I play is Enlisted)
I would be very happy and grateful if they would give me the old event squads.


Yes i agreed about the old event squads :blush:


I hope they give us a way to get them back.
I’ll keep opening loot boxes though, until I get Stinger and Fliegerfaust.

theres always the chance they will bring back the stinger event this fall, like last year. It’s not unlikely they will do the same event again, specifically for event weapons like stinger

What event? Do they give away old squads?

I’m not talking about squads, i referring to American stinger weapon. that was just a weapon you could grind for event

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I have 72 atm

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Oh this is from before new Battle Pass, I have about 200 now, I became a marshal today.

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That is still insane, the BP just started less than 10 dayd ago.

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I think you have very little time to play, or maybe you are playing a country with bad teammates(soviet). I think 6-7 wins per day is enough to become a marshal in ten days, losses are not a big deal, because if your team loses it means that becoming a Battle Hero on that team is not difficult.

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This, and people around me still claim that I play too much.

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