Aerial Ream Point too low to High


Is it just me or is it the case that if you’re too low it will not ream you or if you’re too high it will not rearm you?

And if so what exactly is the cut off?

For me the Rearm point Is shaped as a sphere in the sky, so you need be inside the sphere (i can be wrong and instead is a square)

Ya, I kinda figured that, I was just wondering if anyone knew how High, or low you could go.

Earlier I was in my Po-2, and was struggling to get high enough to rearm it.

it’s different on any map. But as @gastanofrizzi it’s a sphere in the sky.

Could def be bigger. And should be.

An easy fix btw, if they bother!

Have had miserable times when I was damaged and couldn’t reach that damn sky box lmao.