Adjust logos of soviet squads

As you know, soviets don’t have unique logos for squads and use logos with generalised design based on campaigns from old enlisted. Sometimes it’s ok, like for SMG tech tree squads.



But sometimes it’s not



Why two out of three squads have the same logo, when we have three different designs for that?

What I am proposing:

  1. All level one squads (engineer 1, radio 1, tank crew 1 and etc.) will have a red star logo, like squads from EX-Moscow campaign.
  2. All level two squads (engineer 2, radio 2, tank crew 2 and etc.) will have red round logos like squads from EX-Stalingrad campaign.


  1. All level three squads (assaulter 3, sniper 3, machine gunner 3 and etc.) will have red flag logo, like squads from EX-Berlin campaign


  1. Assaulter 4 will have a red star logo (since there is no level 1 assaulter squad)
  2. Premium and event squads will have logos depending on their weapon BR.
  3. Event and premium squads with ability to replace their weapons (like paratroopers or assault engineers) will have logo like level 3 squads (since they are usually equipped with BR 5 weapons by default and considered as toptier squads)

Example how it will be
Let’s take engineers as an example. Currently both techtree squads have the red star logo, and none have Stalingrad (red round) or Berlin (red flag) logo. If assault engineers from marathon taken into account, you have two red star and on red round squad



But, if the suggested system will be applied, we will have this



It will give easy navigation among squads and potentially helps to separate squads between BR 1-2, BR 3 and BR 4-5 visually.

P.S. Legacy squads were not taken into account since they are not supported anymore, but this system works for them as well