Adjust ADS camera position

A few updates ago we received a much needed change to ADS camera on US and UK SMGs, as well as Japanese MGs. I am proposing to not stop and continue working in this direction (and also gently remind a person responsible for animating these guns in particular to not do this again in the future). I am not exactly a good player, or a whale player who have gotten to use all the guns, so I am gonna mention only those that I am aware of.

Guns that, in my opinion, require such adjustments the most rn. Unsurprisingly, most of them are in similar situation to already changed ones, featuring aperture sights, top fed magazines, or both in some particularly bad cases like British MGs. As an example I will use Type 96, because I actually quite like it after the rework.

Current Type 96 (tap/hold ADS)

Bren Mk.1 (first two pics - current situation, next two - my proposal for how improved camera position could look like

Bren Mk.2

I am not sure who exactly among the animators have a fetish for large holes, but it’s not helping to aim at all.


It’s not like there is a lot of improvement here, but it’s… better than nothing, right? At least you can see something to your right.




Gorov MG

I actually have two proposals for this one. First one is more neutral. as it opens up the right side just a little bit, and the second one, that is closer to other suggested before and that I honestly prefer, since I use zoomed-in ADS mode a lot more, but it makes the front sight barely visible in unzoomed mode.

These guns are probably fine to use as-is, but they still hurt me aesthetics-wise due to how unnatural their camera position feels, and I’d like to see them changed at some point. Especially the bolt-action rifles. If Germans can have their good sight pictures, so can other nations.

Yeah, Japan already has some bolties that are already fine that I am using as an example, but some guns (and especially starter ones) just feel so wrong. I am using Type 99 (late)/Type 99 with GL/Paratrooper Type 100 rifle as an example, as well as Arisaka sniper rifles that, in spite of their absolutely horrific reload animations, actually got a pretty good camera position.

Good boys

Bad boys

This list includes: Arisaka Type 38 rifle, Arisaka Type 38 carbine, Type 38 rifle with a grenade discharger, Type 99 rifle (early), as well as an event-only Type 99 long rifle. I decided to use only Type 38 rifle as an example, as they all share the same problem.

I used Air Service rifle as an example due to it, for whatever reason, being the only Springfield with an adequate camera position.

The Good

...and straight to The Ugly

Affected weapons: M1903 Springfield, Springfield M1903A1 USMC (I am actually not sure whether sniper scope on sniper A1 and A3 will be affected should camera be moved on those as well, but it’s not like anyone takes off scopes on sniper rifles either way), M1903 with grenade launcher, as well as a proper infantry Springfield M1903A3 in the future as opposed to the current made up sniper variant. Example pictures of my proposal were made only for 1903 and 1903A3.

M1903A3 could honestly use an increase in aperture sight just for gameplay purposes, it’s not like it’s going to be that great to use considering my experience of using M1917 and P14 Enfields, but still better than nothing.

Garbage rods… I mean Mosins
Honestly, I was surprised to learn that it was only the full-sized infantry Mosins that suffered from this, and others were okay-ish already. Still, at least the problematic ones could be fixed first, before moving all the other ones slightly forward as well. I used Infantry M91 as an example, but sniper M91/30, carbines and Diakonov-equipped Mosin are also similar to it sight picture-wise.

'Not great, not terrible' example

Honestly, it could also use some adjustment, but not to the extent of the ones that will be mentioned below.

All the other kids

This list includes: Mosin M91/30, Mosin M91/30 VPGS, Mosin M91"Dragoon", as well as “German” M/28 Rifle.



Carcanos (+Type I rifle)
Only Mod. 38 and Moschetto M91 are fine as-is, thus I’ll use them as an example.



This list includes: Carcano M41 and Carcano M1891, as well as Japanese Type I rifle


Type I

Dishonorable mention

Armaguerra Mod. 39

Winchester M1895

De Lisle Commando carbine

Situation is similar to Mosins. Ideally, all of them should be moved forward, but outliers should be dealt with first. These outliers are: Artillery Luger, Colt M1911 Swartz, Welrod Mk.2, Type 94 pistol, Colt New Service, S&W M1917 and Nagant M1895. I used TT-33 as an example.


Colt M1911 Swartz

Artillery Luger

Type 94 pistol

Welrod Mk.2

Nagant M1895

Colt New Service (and S&W M1917 i guess, as they are similar in appearance)