Adding to all campaigns!

MG 45 1800 rounds per minute? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Probably ~1300 because reasons.

Ya, probably.


  • cough:“ItS NoT! HiStOrIcALlY! AccUrAtE!!!111!!!”
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How many bullets does Thompson SMG put in? 30? 50? What’s the difference if it’s the same level as the previous weapon? You’re so insincere.

Ans whenever someone points at the T-50

“LoL. JuSt FlAnK iT, bOmB iT oR sHoT nOt BuGgY mAnTlEt, BrO”

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Or the t34

T-28 is better cause MGs and cannon lol

Is the same for the pz4, t50 advantage is can be used from lv1 with a gold order

So can you tell me whether the Allied M1928A1 Thomson used a drum or a magazine for feeding? And why won’t you release even a single picture

The germany in Moscow also need a automatic rifle for everyone like AVS-36,I recommend distributing MKB42(G)208, just like those Japanese test weapons in the Pacific!!!

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Its not about the Pen. Though I’ve seen docs the other way around with the Faust going for 200mm and the Schreck going for 230 (dependant on angle).

For me its the flight arc and velocity. Much easier to take longer shots with it instead of doing a pray it hits lob shot.
Personal preference though.

Ahem, overall disappointing with this bit of news, the assaulter theme? Um…We already have assaulter3, don’t really see a need to level another squad of assaulters just to be able to upgrade a weapon we may or may not want to use. Imo it would have been better to just introduce the weapons by themselves AND introduce a NEW type of squad that isn’t in game yet. That being said, im speculating you did this because you want the focus to be on Pacific Campaign? One would thought you would have learned your lesson from the stalingrad campaign. For one thing, it needs more maps in a big way, instead you chose to give a different campaign another one (which has more than 1 map already), don’t see the logic there. Stalingrad is STILL ALWAYS my last choice to play simply because there isnt any DIVERSITY, each type of battle is just a copy and paste version in the SAME area. To say the least, BORING! By just introducing types of squads we already have, is the same type of thing as in it lacks diversity. Im not trying to be negative here, just being honest. Very disappointing, with such long BP’s players are likely going to start getting bored from lack of diversity and all squads could be max level long before end of BP. New maps of new areas in ALL campaigns are the answer to this and imo should have been and should be at the focus for start of all new BP’s. Then possibly the introduction of squads we already have 3 of in some campaigns might be somewhat overlooked. Something you should give alot of thought to for BP’s in future, remember the word DIVERSITY :wink: :wink:

On a posative level, I’m looking forward to playing the one new map you did say was going to be released and can hardly wait to play the new Pacific Campaign, AND the new Graphics! :grinning: i know you all work hard to improve enlisted and its appreciated, dispite my thumbs down review of this disappointing news.

The germany in Moscow also need a automatic rifle for everyone like AVS-36,I recommend distributing MKB42(G)208, just like those Japanese test weapons in the Pacific!!!

yeah, just more stuff to pay for :stuck_out_tongue: good to see that we will soon have more premium lvls than unlockable ones

1650 mate. Running out of ammo in 2 sec :upside_down_face:


It is lmfao

I’m writing this comment here, so I’ll know which update brought the assault rifles to Moscow…
I guess the only way to fix this would be to add ahistorical campaigns, such as:
Resistance against Anschluss of Austria - Germany dukes it out with Hungarian-Italian Alliance;
and Invasion of Czechoslovakia - Czechs said no to the demand of Sudetenland, and so Germans and Czechs duke it out.
Or, make these assault rifles premium, rather available to every more dedicated grinder…