Adding the Brest Fortress map

Good afternoon, dear game creators and players! Today, I would like to talk about adding a historical battle, which is rarely mentioned in games of this type. Namely, about the feat of the heroes, defenders of the Brest Fortress. Few people know, but it was from the city of Brest and the Brest Fortress that the Great Patriotic War began. The Brest fortress was located on the border of Belarus and Poland and at the beginning of the war it was one of the key fortified points on the Western Front. In this fortress, 10,000 tons of people served and lived and numbered more than 30 different types of troops. On June 22, 1941, on the first day of the war, the fortress was attacked by German troops. On that very day, the commander of the fortress, General Andrei Volfovich, met the attack of the Nazis, offering them to surrender, but was refused. Despite the fact that the German army was much larger and had an advantage in weapons, the defenders of the Brest Fortress were able to resist the enemy for so long that the attack was repulsed only a few days later. Despite the fact that most of the buildings of the fortress were destroyed by German bombs, the Russian-Soviet defenders fought to the last, using their entire arsenal. The soldiers withstood the enemy’s onslaught for almost 3 months. They had no water, no food. The approaches to the Mukhovets River were shelled by German machine gunners. People will call this river “bloody” and many years later, a monument to “thirst” will be erected. Most of the defenders died, but their heroic struggle left an unforgettable impression on the enemy. Mussolini and Hitler arrived at the Brest Fortress with the aim of inspecting and capturing it as a symbolic gesture victory over the Soviet Union. This was part of their plan to advance east to take over the Soviet Union and divide it into powerful spheres of influence.
Arriving at the Brest Fortress, Mussolini and Hitler showed disdain for the defenders of the fortress, despite their courage and resistance. They inspected the destroyed buildings and imprinted guns to ensure their victory and spoke arrogantly to the captured soldiers.
After visiting the Brest Fortress, Mussolini and Hitler continued their advance to the East, hoping to defeat the Soviet Union. However, they began to face increasing resistance from Soviet troops, and World War II turned into a long and bloody struggle.
The arrival of Mussolini and Hitler at the Brest Fortress became a symbol of German aggression and showed the cruelty and disregard of the main fascist leaders for peaceful peoples and military opponents. This episode was also one of the important skirmishes during World War II and showed the steadfastness and courage of the Soviet defenders. The feat of the defenders of the Brest Fortress became a symbol of the resistance and heroism of Soviet soldiers at the beginning of the war. The events of the Brest Fortress were widely covered in the Soviet and international press, and their heroism inspired many military personnel and citizens throughout the long years of war.
In honor of the feat of the defenders of the Brest Fortress, the monument “Height 38” was erected, and the fortress itself became a place of pilgrimage and a place of memory for many people. Every year on June 22, events and ceremonies dedicated to the heroes of the fortress are held in Brest.
The feat of the defenders of the Brest Fortress is known throughout the world and reminds us of the perseverance, courage and patriotism that were embodied in all the soldiers and officers who defended the Soviet Motherland during the difficult days of the Great Patriotic War.
I propose adding a map with the Brest Fortress to the game. This is a historically significant place, which during the Great Patriotic War became a symbol of resistance and heroism of our people. The inclusion of this place in the game will allow players to experience first-hand the atmosphere of those difficult times and see what trials our ancestors had to go through. Additionally, the addition of Brest Fortress will expand the game’s geographic diversity, allowing players to experience different locations related to the history of World War II.


Half of the post sounds like as if it was copy pasted from a soviet book.


there is a bit of post in your soviet propaganda :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


id like to propose raatteentie, a rather symbolic combat between peaceful USSR and agressor Winland.
Or infact entire winterwar could be added, where aggressor winland defended ~3months against worlds largest military and theyr peaceful attempt to conquer winland.


Good evening dear OP, dear game creators and co-players! Today, I would like to talk about adding a historical campaign, which is rarely mentioned in games of this type. Namely, about the feat of the heroes, defenders of the Finland. Few people know, but it was from the of Mainila and Mainila’s Feign that the Great Patriotic War began. The village of Mainila was located in Kaleria’s Isthmus in Finland and at the beginning of the war it was one of the key fortified points on the Eastern Front. In this area, tons of people served and faced more than 30 different types of troops. On November 26, 1939, on the first day of the war, Finland was attacked by Soviet troops. On that very day, the Supreme commander of Finnish Defence Forces, Marshal G.C.E Mannerheim, met the attack of the Soviets, offering them to surrender, but was refused. Despite the fact that the Soviet army was much larger and had an advantage in weapons, the defenders of Karelia were able to resist the enemy for so long that the attack was repulsed only a few months later. Despite the fact that most of the buildings of the fortress were destroyed by Soviet bombs, the Finnish defenders fought to the last, using their entire arsenal. The soldiers withstood the enemy’s onslaught for over 4 months. They had no water, no food. The approaches on the Raatteentie were repelled by Finnish Ski Forces. People will call this road “bloody” and many years later, a monument to “Percistance” will be erected. Many of the defenders died, but their heroic struggle left an unforgettable impression on the enemy. Stalin and Molotov denounced the existence of Raateentie’s motti as a symbolic gesture victory over the Soviet Union. This was part of their plan to advance east to take over Finland and divide it into powerful spheres of influence.
Arriving at the Raatteentie, Aleksei Vinogradov (Aleksei Vinogradov – Wikipedia) showed disdain for the defenders of the fortress, despite their courage and resistance. They inspected the destroyed convoy and spoke arrogantly of the defending soldiers.
After visiting Raatteentie, Soviets continued their advance to the East, hoping to defeat the Republic of Finland. However, they began to face increasing resistance from Finnish forces, turned into a short and bloody struggle.
The arrival of Soviets in the Karelian Isthmus became a symbol of Soviet aggression and showed the cruelty and disregard of the main communist leaders for peaceful peoples and military opponents. This episode was also one of the important skirmishes during World War II and showed the steadfastness and courage of the Finnish defenders. The feat of the defenders of the Raatteentie became a symbol of the resistance and heroism of Finnish soldiers at the beginning of the war. The events of the Raatteentie were widely covered in the Free and international press, and their heroism inspired many military personnel and citizens throughout the long years of war.
In honor of the feat of the defenders of the Finland, numerous monuments of bravery were erected, and the area itself became a place of pilgrimage and a place of memory for many people. Every year on December 6th, events and ceremonies dedicated to the heroes of the fortress are held in Finland.
The feat of Finland is known throughout the world and reminds us of the perseverance, courage and patriotism that were embodied in all the soldiers and officers who defended the Finnish Motherland during the difficult days of the Great Patriotic War.
I propose adding the campaign of Talvisota to the game. This is a historically significant occurance, which during the Great Patriotic War became a symbol of resistance and heroism of our people. The inclusion of this place in the game will allow players to experience first-hand the atmosphere of those difficult times and see what trials our ancestors had to go through. Additionally, the addition of Raatteentie will expand the game’s geographic diversity, allowing players to experience different locations related to the history of World War II.


The Invasion of Poland, also known as the September Campaign, Polish Campaign, War of Poland of 1939, and Polish Defensive War of 1939 (1 September – 6 October 1939), was a joint attack on the Republic of Poland by Nazi Germany, the Slovak Republic, and the Soviet Union; which marked the beginning of World War II .

The text the text so much text but honestly this brings up the fact Germany and the USSR started off as allies


Don’t expect it to look anything like it if it gets added. Look at the Tenaru River map and the Hurtgen Forest map if you need confirmation.

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Have you registered a new account to post this in two forums?

so write a post. Finland deserves to become a new faction. Not a faction for money.

Just a Friendly reminder and a brake for remind everyone to keep the discussion free from politic, propaganda and the rest, now lest return to discuss the map shall we?

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i know that i would like breast fortress. it seems like fun map.




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This map already exists in WT, I get PTSD just thinking about it… Enlisted can just cut and paste it as is, since its quite good for tank combat.


it White Rock Fortress map.

But does it look like brest fortress?

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yeah its very close