Adding more Unarmed combat options

One unarmed combat amounts to getting stabbed with a knife or bayonet, or getting slashed with and ax or shovel not the most thrilling combat loop.

Two there is no counter combat, with grenades you can at least throw back the grenade, and the attacker can cook the grenade risking it blowing up in their own hands.

Unarmed combat can be a lot more than getting stabbed or slashed, counters and more kills would make getting stealth killed by a guy with a knife slightly less annoying.


Yeah we need better melee mechanics. We can currently run into an house full of enemies and stab them all with an knife


the pimp slap of death


even worse that the bayonet is a one hit and the knife is not
i get it when your charging with a bayonet and it one hits you
but if you pull a knife on a bot after the 1st time you stab him he just turns around and one hits you


I did enjoy the knife from behind animation in the battlefield series.

Bf1 sword kills were super satisfying

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bayonet is right now bugged, you can literally pass through the body even if it’s a direct hit and nothing happen for then die in patetic way because the bayonet was bugged lol

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On the one hand, as much as i’d love for EVERY shooter to rip off the mechanics from “Chivalry Medieval Warfare” for melee combat, it’d fit alot more in a game like fallout than enlisted given melee is meant to be a minor aspect of this conflict at best. It’s something you do on occasion rather than all the time.

That said i for one would absolutely approve of getting improved melee mechanics. Battlefield 1 did it better where the charge mechanics felt really visceral and punchy, literally seeing you practically lift a guy up or push them to the ground while the bayonet went into their gut while each melee weapon did more/less damage with some being able to cut right through either windows, barbed wires and so on. Though that’d be more of a “Great to have” than really necessary.

At bare minimum i’d love to have just more melee weapons in general. Japan has those budget tier katana’s but everyone else only really has the knife, bayonet, hatchet and then there’s the few guys who got those swords from the event (which are AMAAAZING by the way).

I’m not saying i would pay premium cash for fancy melee options…but even if they were charging like a dollar each for me to put baseball bats on my american soldiers and then as soon as i run out of bullets just whip it out and get a home run using german skulls, i’m not saying i WOULDN’T give them the money.

I’m not saying we need trench clubs, trench knives, brass knuckles or any of the other random crap soldiers have used as melee weapons in the midst of a war. But if you give them to us, many of us will be STOKED to have new melee weapons for every faction. The hatchets are fine, they’re a sizable upgrade from the knife, they’re more fun to use and when paired with the melee perk you can clear entire squads or platoons with those things if you are really good with it. I often clear rooms of furniture with it to make it easier to put engineering constructions or maneuver infantry in the room.

But variety is king, my american soldiers in normandy DESERVE to wail on germans with louisville sluggers. Do it, for freedom, for AMERICA, to make us begin beating you with our dollars while screaming “shut up and take, my, MONEY!”

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thank’s you really improved the thread no joke, thank you