Add trenchcoats with armband for the volkssturm as cosmetics ( or premium )

Main Idea / suggestion

Greetings devs. today i would like to suggest and make a request to add trenchcoats with the Volkssturm bands. to later on introduce it as a customization option.

as, historically, the volkssturms did had armbands on trenchcoats:


Why ? and How ?

well, the reason is, as briefly explained above, it would add more choices for the customization. and potentially, more sales as it does not require hugh work either.

second reason is, the volssturm was used in the battle of the bulge, and the sigfried line. therefore, as we lack winter uniforms for the volkssturm. and since the matchmaker will be mixed with other campaigns and theaters, i think it would be great to add a dedicated winter uniform for them.

and third reason, mods. ( i must admit, personal reasons for personal mods. but hey )

it should be relatively simple for devs as well to make.

all it requires, is to clone the medic trenchcoat that are already present:

name it differently, and replace the medical band, with the already present volk armband:
( or, additionally, create new armbands to give variety )
( i know. worst photoshop ever. but i didn’t had much time to waste in. all that time, went in the raw pictures below )

More bands pictures



and even white ones in the pictures above, or the one below:
( of course. denazified because… we all know already )

and here are the raw armbands that i personally made. i know that you guys can’t use them even though i’d like them for you to do so, but i understand implications. anyway, at least you can’t tell i didn’t putted the effort in it. but generally, just to give an idea :+1:

and that would be all. thanks for hearing me out.

perhaps not a priority, as i understand that USA winter uniforms since the merge are a priority as well as UK and italian uniforms. but something that i would like to see in the future and wouldn’t be too hard to make :+1:


There need to be more variations for German stuff outside Stalingrad in general. Like, there are no greatcoat/trench coat options with anything other than K98/G43 Pouches. There aren’t any options anywhere that include the new style of grenade pouches, either.


As always, quality posts, Erika!

One concern

Sadly - as far as I understand things - there will be no such thing as Volkssturm really, after the campaign merge/new MM.

In general, VG 1-5, VG 2, MP 3008 will have a low battle rating and therefore most likely being seen in Moscow.

Unlesss you have a high Battle Rating and decide to bring on some low level/niche squads, new players will end up in Moscow with that late war equipment.

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well, not really.

maybe the volkssturm look will be a thing or a selectable preset within the new merge.

if not, events and mods can still benefict from them :slight_smile:

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You are absoluty right.
Didn’t think about that : )

They already said as much, being able to have a couple different preset customized looks for early/mid/late war maps.

i’m still skeptical about their selection since in almost 1 or 2 years of the customization it was lacklaster at best, ( let alone the ones released in all campaigns… without considering tunisia ) but one can only hope.

with that being said, i hope we’ll get zee lovely trenchcoats. both for the volkssturm and non

ok so, since the confirmation of volkssturm squads and customization will still be a thing, and since i managed to make them through the editor, i decided to make a better " suggestion " and give a better picture.

which, it’s even simpler to do as i managed to figure out a way to create them in the editor ( though, it’s not the base game so… i would still love to see them )

( i also left a code that you can use for to see in the editor. keep in mind that you must use them INSIDE the Entities.blks paste and save, open the editor, use the entity meny, select the equipment category, and then search for the keyword " Volkssturm " to see the models that i made ( and you pasted ).

and to give a better view; here:

Volkssturm armband on trenchcoats:

On Default Trenchcoats:

Texture Name


Texture Name


Texture name


Texture Name


Texture name


Texture Name


Texture Name


additional variations that tries to resemble more of a civilian look:
( these ones, are more of a suggestion to give impression rather than asking to implement them. as to be honest, i’m quite fine with the militar trenchcoats above )

Texture name


Texture name


Texture Name


Texture Name


Texture name


and many more!

for example, brown variants:

Green variants:

Gray to black Variants:

Yellow / green

so many colors. but the idea would be, generally trenchcoats with the armband. and if possible, different type of armbands.

i’ll leave the rest for developers to decide and what not.


IF you are a modder, and want to use those in your mods, create an entities.blk and paste the following template:




and change the first " x " to a name that you want, in order to find it fast as a keyword and the second, you will have to replace the " X " with a texture name inside the " ". MAKE sure the * stays after the texture name. it’s very important.

and you can create your own :slight_smile:



Excellent contribution! :hugs:


Looks great as always.

I would shell out for a Premium wearing this, looks fantastic.

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