Add trench mortars cowards

Me when I hate fun

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Those mortars are from WW1 and I don’t think we need them in game…at least at this point

I made a post about the WW2 mortars they should add

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This will be pointless after the update, as you can get them for the germans and the soviets already.

Alternatively I suggest this as a structure for the mortar squad:

Medium mortars wouldn’t be buildables because we already have a few medium mortars in game that act as a big brother to the light mortars

Now their bigger brother HEAVY mortars could possibly be buildables

so, uh, what’s exactly the trench mortar supposed to do? like, what’s the difference compared to a mortar squad mortaring from inside a trench? because i’m not sure what exactly you’re asking to be added there since the last mortar one actually looks quite like the one we do have ingame. kind of.