I was thinking that the Americans could use more options than just the A-20, What I would like to see added is The B-25, B-26, and maybe even the A-26. as flyable squad planes.
The USA does not need more, even heavier attacker aircraft
A-20 and these other variants are ground attack aircraft pls do your research, they would work well on enlisted
And I said they don’t need more, because Germany and Japan don’t have anything heavier, we already have the A-20 that’s more than enough
No. And why? My p51 and p47 is all I need.
Must have my favourite American plane. Absolute beast
I see it as more fluff. But I’m not against having it if I can see the super Pershing and m36 getting added in the future.
now you are speaking my language.
Soviets could get il-4 that is also in the editor
Did you just try turning me on? Was that intentional?
If I could fly the HE-111 in game, I’d literally be on the phone with the radio operator who called me in