Add the stahlhelm splintertarn net thingie

Hey enlisted forums, toby here: Add the this stahlhelm where theres what im guessing is zeltbahn ripped off and added to some chicken wire. Its also already in the game
Screenshot 2024-06-20 094210

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i can’t run enlisted right now for some reason but what im talking about is the erma emp squad helmets, they look like zeltbahn placed onto the chicken wire net of some stahlhelms.


i believe he is referring to this headgear:


which does suit


the already existing zeltbahn.

anyway, i did suggested to include it not long ago:

now it’s up to developers to judge if it should be there, or not.

because, despite matching, it’s still an item of a premium squad.

as much in the past wasn’t an issue, the community pressure might not make it available for everyone.


yeah that one, also can i see that document it looks interesting

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i’m not sure i can

but sure.

i’m of the opinion that sharing is caring, i just hope it doesn’t get ruined because someone will have issues.

so, for anyone reading this document, keep in mind that it’s not final, nor meant to be.

i simply have been tasked to cover all items that are missing in some campaigns or others items that have been missing, but the set is available. which does include some premium items.

long story short, if a single piece of a set is available, the whole set should be present. example, the gerat uniform-

and, once again, it’s up to them, not me.

i couldn’t cover all premium squads because i do not own them.

Ah ok I got it. As you said:
Possible they add it, possible that not. Cosmetics in general lack options that fit.


Which is more or less a crime from my perspective.


@Adamnpee @ErikaKalkbrenner myself and countless others would like to see some cosmetic support for this game. An entire update for the game that enables customization and items for the players to equip into their units and onto their soldiers. Since enlisted is a free to play game with dozens of micro transactions, it would be the easiest way to make money from the players, for those who don’t want to spend a ton of money could buy gold and get cosmetics so they can look the way they wish in the game. It also would be the lowest point of entry for paying real money for the game. Those of us who have premium and cosmetic vouchers don’t really use them often because there is very little to invest and divest into.

It also would add another level of historical value to the game because some of us like to play the game for the “Historical” aspect of the game while still having the ability to have fun and not play a simulation. It also would allow new players to feel invested in the game because they just spent “$10” on cosmetics and now they feel a connection to their squad that they just made their “own”.

@ErikaKalkbrenner and myself have also asked many times to James to have the devs correct a cosmetic issue for the Germans. They are missing their plain tree/oakleaf camo smock top and this has been missing since the merge.