Add the JU 88 A into the Moscow

since the allies in moscow have the tank advantage i suggest adding the ju 88 a4 or a1 variant as unlock for the axis in the upcoming updates
it can carry lots of bombs but i suggest adding the 4x250kg payload,A-4 variant has 5 defensive gunners so adding the A-1 with 3 defensive seems like an better idea
bassically its ju188 for moscow (both a1 and a4 versions were used on the eastern front)

A-1 variant

A-4 variant


What moscow needs isnt more explosive and full auto spam. It needs less of that

If you want to add a plane, add the Ju87 with a 1000Kg bomb.

Seems way more OP but believe me its not. A large bomb dropping in 1 place is better than 4 smaller bombs dropping in 4 places