Add texture Sprayer in the tools For the editor - concept idea

a bit of context:

once again, i wanna make it clear, i’m very thankful for this wonderful ( yet, a bit too technical sometimes ) editor that is available for us modders. really great, and opens alot of opportunities.
but, i feel like an important feature is missing, so, here i am suggesting and try to put it inside the editor.

Main idea:

when creating a map from scratch, there are many tools available for the job, the reindlist, grass eraser, and comes with the ability to rise up or down the terrain, which it’s great.

but once i fully removed an entire village, or when removing an individual building, the ground has a different texture.
and i cannot remove it, or blend them in.

so, my new suggestion, is to add a tool for it, and it’s gonna look like something similar
( i hope better. because… yeah, kinda looks ugly. but i didn’t know how to explain it better, and i hope it gives the idea: )

what are we looking at?

but above all,

How does it work?

“simple”, you go over the tools,
and select the TS/TP option ( Texture Spray / Texture Painter ):

and by doing so, it will open a sub menu:

where, it has acess to:
you can pretty much select textures.

the plus, allows you to open a window where you get access to all textures within the game, and from there, you will be able to put a textures as favorites and be able to reuse them much faster or look for other textures through names.

then, you are able to use apply textures over the ground through various shapes:
( for a more precise work if required ):

and through hotkeys, you can adjust the size, ( for the square and circle )
or, create a polygon shape to create more precise and specific areas of replacement or add textures.

and last but least,

layer management:

everytime you place on the map a circle/poly/square texture, it automatically creates layers which you can later on rename, and see where it has been placed.

through layers, you can precisely see on the map all the texture changes that you made.
and from there, by clicking the eye, you can see the " hitbox " of where you placed it.
the bin, you can delete this layer, and through the pencil, you can change the name of the layer, the placement of the square/poly/circle, and above all, change the texture without have to do the placement again.

mostly to keep things simple, easy to understand, and above all, organized.

regarding the pointer, i suggest to change the colors, so it does not get mistaken for some other features.

( this is just an example: )

and as everything else, you should be able to see the preview:
and what you are about to replace as well.

but this is just my idea.
if anyone else has anything else to add, feel free to help me to make it better.

cuz, i only thought about what i’d need for my current map, but again, any other suggestion are welcome.


Amazing idea.

And don’t forget the ability to place roads and stuff like that.


For that we would need a spline creator/editor