rank 1 machine gun squad can build 12.7 or 13mm HMG,and rank 2 engineer squad build 7.62 one.7.62 MG nest lack of angle of depression and can’t break bunker.HOW LONG HAVEN’T U BUILD A MEDIUM MG NEST?
americans who haven’t invented any scope for m1919 be crying and shaking rn
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Will have to settle for the Heavy
*looks terribly awkward to use
Something tells me that this will be like having a full auto sniper with infinite bullets.
Although it is not bad because the truth is that the machine gun nest was used or almost because some German machine guns did not all have them. The one about the Russians and Japanese makes me think, I say if they get serious about having a sniper with infinite bullets
Upgrade over the m1919, have to settle for binoculars + Sherman top m2