Add recruitable hungarian, italian, romanian soldiers/squads (or cosmetics)

Actually most of their equipment available for all these nations in the game already we only need cosmetics the most. You could even decide to let us have these soldiers in special battalions wich are couldnt be used on tunisia normandy or berlin for example. I know italians available, but they cant be recruited in the shop (except an engineer). The winter coats of these nations are quite similar, mostly you have to work more on headwear. I could live without them, but if you would want to max this idea out, you could let us use mg30 (for hungarian mg), orita (smg for romanians) instead of being premium, I would definietly buy these from gold card if possible. If you wont do any of these at least make italians recruitable again, and give them cosmetics for winter!


This was planned (and promised? based on its phrasing) but we yet to see any of it.


There were IAR-81C and Potez 633 with Romanian marking in the Stalingrad campaign. So they did feature them, but at a small magnitude.

I recall seeing that. I always think back and wonder to what happened with that promise.

I’m glad someone remembers other than myself and the small handful of hopefuls! :+1::grinning:

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yes please…

Ive tried to turn some of my squads into wannabee Romanians and Hungarians.