Add old event squad weapons to the tech tree

If Darkflow does not want to give the M1A1 to the player for free, it can be sold as a gold weapon. I would buy it.
And while you’re at it, re-sell the M2A1.


its a shame common equipment like M1A1 carbine or Universal Carrier get limited to event squads.


There are currently no official plans to reprint any events or limited-time items.
That’s why you have to keep playing Electronic Cotton Field


Yes, it would be nice if there was at least some way to get it, like being able to buy it as a premier squad, but for those who missed the event, there is no opportunity to get it at the moment.
I think that common weapons that represent WW2 should be accessible to everyone.

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we need a way to get event squads if we missed them. FOMO is bad.


the fact that you used a black guy makes it even funnier.
He meant that doing events are like doing slave work.


I’d like to go +1 to that suggestion thread, but since the moderators lock threads when you reply to old suggestion threads (*1)
I’ll say “+1” in this thread.

*1 I seriously don’t get the point of the moderators locking old suggestion threads :thinking:
Some people do detailed research for suggestions, so I think those threads should continue to be used. imo

because information may no longer be relevant or its just annoying to receive notification from an old topic.

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Oh, it was really a coincidence.
And now I know what Electronic Cotton Field means.
I thought the guy had suddenly started talking about some other game thing (like Battlefield).

That’s unfortunate.
Even though there are experts on the forum who present information that I think is really well researched.
For example, this guy.@Killerwolf1024

He really looks into the Japanese type100submachinegun.
Type 100 early correct rate of fire - Suggestions - Enlisted
It is generally believed that the type100 submachinegun early had a low ROF, but in fact it could have had a much higher ROF.
This is a frequent discussion among military geeks in Japan, but at any rate, Japanese WW2 weapons were disposed of after the war, and there are few properly preserved and documented examples left, so there are many things that are not well understood.
To make this suggestion, Wolf purchased a Japanese magazine published in the 1970s. (it recorded a review of a rare real Type 100 early that had been shot in action). ) and used that information as the basis for his proposal.
He had the research skills that set him apart from most users.
I marveled at the research, but the moment I made that reaction, the thread was locked. How sad. :pleading_face:

The information he is presenting is not the kind of information that can be figured out with a quick Google search… :neutral_face:


i simply dont like, they addet Achievements to kill 200 Enemys with Paratroopers
and if you missed all Events you are doomed or buy BR5 Premium Paras… which i dont recommend to any newbie cause of MM

That’s lie.

Especially since we just had event that reintroduced G98 war mod for the third time.


yea and those sword and many other thing that got a rerun before (like astra 300 and thomson .30)


weapons can reused in events, squads cant.


I believe that is going to change pretty soon.

i hope so i still miss that one squad that i forgot the name of again (it the russian one)

You mean the squad with ppk?

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I sure both wish and hope that

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i think so it the one with green cloth right?

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