Add " look at " / " lookdir " node parameter for AI

greetings. today it’s another one of those " simple " thread suggestion regarding the editor.

and today’s suggestion, is no different.

main suggestion

the main suggestion of this thread is simple.

add a " look at " / " face a direction " to AI vehicles and placed AI soldiers.


it’s very simple, yet frustratingly infuriating.

modders are unable to determine where the ai should be looking at. precisely, any base_soldiers or soldiers included in the " soldiers " entity tab.
they have a specific coordinate face direction hard coded which cannot be changed by us modders.

which if you try to change, you will not be able.

because they will start twisting their arms and once you go in the live time / play style, they will return to facing a direction:

same goes with tanks:

why is this a problem?

well, if it wasn’t obvious enough, i don’t think i have really to explain why having defenders / AI giving the back to the enemy is not really a good thing.

but on top of the AI getting themselves killed because they are looking elsewhere, it’s even worse in tank cases.

unless the ARC ( which it’s usually 45° ) does not have enemies in their visual, they will not retaliate at all. being kinda useless and not be a threat at all like they should be.

because once again, currently, there is no way to make AIs face a specific direction.
it’s totally randomic.

and last major issue with it, at least, i found my self with,

->built a whole map designed in a specific direction,
->places Ai
->plays the map and realizes that the defenders AI are looking at their spawn opposed to look in the direction of the attackers

making the whole mod useless and the whole carefully created experiences negative.

therefore limiting the abilities of modders even further.
( like having issues with custom maps not fully loading, or how using custom profiles changes stability of your mission for the worse, and milions others of issues weren’t enough. but that’s another story for another time. )

so yeah. this new node will be helpful.

how does it work?

simple. ideally, all what modders would have to do, is type " dir " in the box parameters, ( similar to how AI crew airplanes works when telling the destination / direction, or how the cinematic_ai already has )

place the coordinates, and the ai will look at those coordinates.

nothing too major, but it’s really needed.

thank you.