Add Live Spectator Mode for Customs

It will 100% improve Enlisted views on Twitch :slight_smile:

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One of the best suggestions I ever seen since merge

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it sure is interesting watching clan people liking their own ideas but never showed up in more than half a year for anything else.

even more so the priorities of someone somewhere.

but i digress.

not so much opposed as allowing spectator modes for customs but;

the delay should be in the game for the spectator it self. not just by an outsider stream.

because anyone for that matter could just make a second account, watch the opponent and get in real time a view of the opponents, and stuff like that.

which unfortunately has happened in the past, and if you take as an example current modern fps, most of them have a real time spectator cams that leads to frequent stream snipes if those people happens to be in the same match.

nitpicks & gripes unrelated

i’m sorry, but those are rather low numbers to really prove such necessities are ever needed or really furfills anything for that matter.

if anything, clans can just exist in name like they currently are, and instead, we should get more improvements for both custom games, the editor.

i truly fail to see what benefits are there for clans related things to the rest of the community when such implementations would pretty much only apply for the 5% of the community that does actually take part in clans.

majority of the players are for the most part, playing solo.

so, as told, everyone would be just better off by getting improvements to custom games and the mods editor, having xps not so much capped, ad above all, fully featured mods and events. so that both clans and other people non inherently related to clans can widely benefit from.

getting more features, more support so that us modders can provide more content for other people to play who found themselves in our similar position. where everything has been grinded, and not much to do.

because allow me to say, but it reeks of one very short sided view that only really benefits as explained, just clans. and not the majority.

this game isn’t made primarily by clans nor ever was for clans.
( despite some of the egos would like to explain or rather, attempt to otherwise )

but given the CMs allegiances and support, i’m probably wasting time anyway and it’s certainly not gonna change a damn thing. guess just venting lol.


This would benefit everyone not just “clans”.
Competitive play should be encouraged, when the stream happened there weren´t alot of people watching but having a function that would allow a streamer to spectate and look around the battlefield and comment on what is happening is good and would encourage people with a following on the Enlisted community to stream the event (meaning more eyes on it).
Also you mention people palying “solo”, just because someone plays solo does not mean they have no interest in the competitive scene of enlisted, i play solo and im interested in it.
This “comment” just reeks of “well i don´t like it".


enlisted forum meme

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literally no one else beside those who are remotely interested or are already part of the " problem "…

and mostly have to do with clans to begin with.

so yes, ultimately, only clans.

which it is pretty selfish if you ask anyone with rational thinking.

within enlisted?

what competitivity are we talking about.

nothing more than a causal game.
and thus, shall continue to be one.

despite how harder you or clans tries to take it seriously, it’s fine within your lobbies.

no need to shave it onto everyone else throat as it serves no one but clans themselves.

except, that’s what the replay system is there about.

granted, it’s not in real time, but i don’t see the issue.

is it that hard to gather with some people, divide the work, analyze each “plays”, talk about it, and highlight?

i’m no where near an expert when it comes to editing or structiring E sports things.

but as i used to watch to be midly interested ( or rather, understand ) how for example, rainbow six siege e sports worked and how ultimately streamers and " pro players " ultimately ruined that game,
no thanks.

i’m sorry to say, but this casual game ain’t gonna appear to who you think it will.

again, outside of clans, enlisted isn’t streamed a whole lot.

and i would really like to see you prove that streaming competitively would do good any good.

so far, from a 5 sec research on mcdonald in his video ( clickbait at best tbh. but i digress )

sure is technically one of his most watched video after the german one with 250k.

and he is the guy plastelered all across social media.
he " prime " CC of enlisted.

not a great look if you ask anyone really.
( not making fun of the guy. FYI. just saying )

i can.

because people who are even remotely interested in comps or anything wouldn’t be playing a ww2 bot game.

now would they.

as much i can’t really disprove your theory… the opposite is true as well darling.
so far, we are going with relatively very low numbers and just clans gathering.

which again, i’m not saying that out of the 60 people, at least 10 or 20 aren’t in any way shape or form related.

but i call it bs.

i’m sorry it was apparently hard to understand that, getting improvements for custom games to appease TO MORE people OTHER THAN simply the 10% ( being generous ) of the playerbase just for a one thing based on clans.

you want to appease to few.
i, on the other hand, want to appease to more people which unironically benefits clans.

i can assure you, it has nothing to do with me not liking clans.

i couldn’t care less of how some of them have ego comples issues, or how they need more attentions than others.

i’m just trying to make things right and direct attention to more important matters that should concern most people, and above all, one that almost everyone will be benefit from.

but as stated, given the priorities and the recent dev blog map maybe i am delusional.

can’t say much beside have fun playing comp with other clans.

and no one elsewhere.

but of course, i hope to be wrong.
all i can say, i have seen this stuff before.

had the displeasure of knowing some of them through out the forum.

self centered people with rather questionable attitudes and ego problems.

but, i don’t tend to argue too long with lunatics to be honest.

poor me.

apparently it got hidden because too offensive.

oh well.

( edit. maybe not ? )

if you say so :wink:

you too buddy.

anyway, got a bit side tracked.

just to reiterate, not a bad suggestion.

although requires delay for spectators too.

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Not sure why spectators need a delay. If you don’t want spectators then password lock the lobby. If you let in spectators then you know the risk. For competitive stuff, only streamers will be allowed to spectate.

Edit: I honestly think the delay would add server issues. But if they want to add the option to set a delay (0-X) that would be ideal.


he really did, didn’t he.

because they can relay active information on one of the team?

what sort of haf assed answer is even this one?

so. apparently you think it’s fine relegating such feature only to few individuals, but somehow adding a delay makes issues?.

seems a bit contradictory and rather counter productive just to make a feature for few too.

but i’m starting to see the pattern.


so that others can benefit from having this feature.

opposed as few lobbies.
you know.

In general I’m for more options for custom lobbies. They are in a sad state. The server fix was a great first step, but they still have so much potential that needs to be addressed. However those need to be in separate posts as derailing will only lead to a suggestion getting closed/ignored. If you point me to topics you’ve made for upgrading customs/more options, I’ll happily like and comment to support.

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Don´t worry.
He dosen´t know either.

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This comment from Erika in particular is hilarious given how clans spearheaded the open letter back in June, which got the widest support of any community initiative to date. Acting like we’re just in a void when we’ve made our feedback known to DF many times. It’s just not always on forums.

Anyways, there will always be a few people who disagree for whatever reason ¯_(ツ)_/¯. I don’t see why a simple spectator mode is such a big deal when they already have a mechanism for it to begin with.

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Would it not be possible to mod it in somehow? Considering even if this gets suggested it would take DF a while to implement.

Only issue is that mods aren’t always stable in this game, and while the last set of practice matches did have decent stability, I’m hesitant to add onto things that might add further issues.

I’m not entirely familiar with modding though, so it may be feasible? Idk. Official support for spectators would always be nice, but so would official support for social systems too…

Noone is asking for the “clan specific” spectator mode. The proposition just states that some kind of sepectator and lobby improvement or build up would be lovely. Many Enlisted features are clunky or unpolished and they can be improved quite easily.

Also you forget that more exposure the game gets the more money the devs get from players (new or old). I would really love to see your reasoning on how this improvement is only for “few individuals”.

From the developers point of view its an easy and doable proposition which can be implemented without much hustle and work. Not like most of the propositions which just aim on adding new content.


That’s fair. I’ll be the first to admit I’m not familiar with either the technical or clanning/competitive end, but I feel like since DF won’t see much benefit to add this(unless they start running their own tournaments semi-regularly) I feel it’ll be on the backburner until then.

no one said that either way actually.

but tooya did specifically said:

which correlates to previous statement that it was rather dumb to lock this feature behind few individuals.

as tooya propositioned, to CCs during clan matches.

you know, i’m not so sure that’s the case anymore.

" easily " is a bold word to be used as it comes for enlisted.

as you probably know.

Exposure to the game =/= promoting what a very tiny minority of players plays.

are you absolute certain that somehow, you would hipotetically “spark” interest by just having people go at each other in clans?

because i “hate” to say this, but that’s not what enlisted is about.

nor are there any concrete evidences of actually being beneficial other than those who already make clan stuff… over customs.

that’s absolutely not true.

it would ideally require a new matchmaker, new elo or some shit, possibly rewards because as soon clans starts demanding their fancy and overglorified titles, you can bet they want unique rewards too for their own self entitlement.

when that time can be, and rather should be spent behind much more beneficial upgrades to the custom games to appease literally everyone else, and it also included clans interest.

which it’s funny that you mention how easy it would be, yet 70% of the people in this thread seems to be forgetting completely or being willinfully ignorant of all the promises that were made instead. ( just to name few, roundels insignas. customization improvements, br equipment for customs, mods improvements. or like semi auto reloads, and bipods that should have been " easy " ( and were deemed easy fixes ) yet it took them since the beginning of the game and were only fixed not so long ago.

to me, all of this selfish clan bses comes because of a very few minority that happens to coincide with the CM.

and would you look at that, no one talked about clans up until major stepped in, and keo stepped down.
the guy has been notorious for clans events and what not. yet very rarely outspoken for mods improvements, or even check most of the mods to begin with unless some of his other friends are involved.
not pointing fingers, or drawing conclusions, but the signs are all there.

but i suppose i have to accept the realization of how united narcissistic people and their own preferences over rule common sense.

and as much i would love to go on.
i suppose i’m walking on a thin line here because of implications.

and quite honestly, derailing a bit.
so i’ll stop it here :slight_smile:

Game is spagetti code, I give you that.

But, adding spectator slots to lobby and introducing second password check isnt really hard to implement. And its much more easier than adding a new content. All of the promises you speak about are also much more work intense (and are dependent of several different dev areas).

The video content which can be made by using such tool as a specator mode would also improve drastically - just the bird view alone would be awesome. And quaility content tends to attract capital.

Mods are, on the other hand, very audience specific -shout out to the Big Action mod and Tommy- as you can tweak many things and it shows the power of the engine, not the power of the game.

You seem to have some kind of grudge against clans - the clan features you are talking about were on the roadmap and Im sure, that with some clever thinking, it can be monetized at several layers. All I see its a win-win situation here.

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