Currently we got standard grinding achivements like “do X for Y times and get Z reward” but there are no soul in X and Z variables.
Could we get some more creative achievements like:
- Kill Y planes with 75+ mm tank cannon (without AA aim assist) and receive trooper AA rocket launcher
- Dig Y meters of tranches to get some beautiful and probably a bit more powerful shovel.
- Run over Y enemies with either tank or APC and receive set of decorative spikes for tank/apc
- Make a kill with each bullet in your smg to get belted 100 ammo smg
- Kill Y enemies with one mortar shell and get mortar gun
There are millon ways to create funny interactions without asking for killing 100 enemies 50 times for weapon gold order.
I think you can ask the community and they’ll generate thousands ideas…
Any thoughts on that topic?
One problem, these rewards sound like something CoD would add
Well, I haven’t played CoD in a while, but if it presented there - is there a reason for Enlisted to avoid something that sounds interesting?
We already played vs zombies and that was pretty funny game expirience…
Yeah, but that’s its own separate things. I’m here for real weapons in history. Not stuff like
Doesn’t exist
Only 1 nation has anything like this that I’m aware of
Only 1 nation has one in game, and only 1 other has one of about the same historical note as the one already in game
Sorry for bothering you but IMHO this game rather about arcade than about realism(e.g. rally points those will “spawn” squads, engineers those could create AA/AT guns from the air and planes/tanks with seconds needed for ammo ressuply…)
And if we talk about arcade game, the main purpose of it - (again IMHO)is to give fun for players while they are playing it.
All other stuff like historical accuracy, balance, macro economy is secondary because if there will be no fun - ppl will just drop it.
And as for me, a person with 24 days in battle with almost everything(exept smgs, since I hate smgs) researched - there is not much fun in Enlisted anymore, just a routine grind of events.
So this proposition is one of those, I think, could bring some fun and challenge to such expirienced players as I am with proper rewards for beating those challenges.
I just think the rewards could be better for Enlisted