Add in the P47 as a Soviet Event Squad

during world war two the Soviets were given the P-47D-27 that served under VVS during the war, 207 models were delivered to the 255th IAP of the Northern Fleet, if they were to be added that could serve as a nice event plane however I believe it would not be beneficial to give them rockets but instead maybe give them a 250 kg bomb, just an idea for far the future


Why not both?:smirk:probably just a faster version of the IL-2 (1941)
(Obviously not the same plane in the both photos)


Soviets made much more use out of the P-39, a plane we haven’t seen yet. Give us that first.


that should be TT

I believe this would make a WONDERFUL event vehicle and wait with bated breath to see it added


Except there’s no reason too when the P-63, already in game, is basically the same plane, it’d just be another copy and paste that no one would use. I’d much rather see the P-47 first.

i would 100% swap out my il-10for the slavic jug


soviets have p63 as premium is it different from p39 in someway let me know

Id prefer the p-63 with 3 x 500lb bombs (think that was the bomb size in warthunder lol). That thing is awesome

But id much prefer soviet monsters than lend lease stuff.

There are some seriously cool twin-engine ground pounders. (that I think are waaay cooler than P-47)

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They are not the same plane, just a similar design. The biggest case of this is that they can give the P-39 M8 rockets, while the P-63 were never able to mount those. Furthermore, giving the soviets a P-47 would be even worse than the arguable case of copy and paste from a premium that the P-39 and P-63 have because the P-47 would be an explicit copy and paste directly from the US tech tree.

P-39 is smaller and has far better performance at lower speeds, but is slower. P-63 is faster as previously mentioned, but also has an improved 37mm that can carry more ammo.

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Tbh i would love to see more land-lease tanks or planes, of course we had our own designs but for me its not a big deal to see p-47, p-39 and others, i am in

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