Add Dornier Do 17 e-1?

german light bomber, designed as “schnellbomber” or in english “fast bomber”. Hold 10x 50kg bomb in total 500kg. with no more nonsense, here the pros and cons
Pros and cons


  • Does not frequently meet fighters armed with cannons or HMGs
  • Decent payload for its rank
  • Has a very short takeoff run
  • Is one of the few German bombers with a machine gun armament
  • Has great manoeuvrability, compared to other bombers of its rank
  • Has both a dorsal and ventral gunner


  • Slow compared to other bombers, formations are difficult to maintain
  • Big target
  • Like most German bombers of its rank, lacks defence against any fighter
  • Cannot fly with only one engine, it will be able to maintain speed and altitude only for a short time
  • Light defensive armament can only protect from 4 to 8 o’clock high and vertically below

so, this plane hold 10x 50kg bomb with stock speed 336kmh. Full source: Do 17 E-1 - War Thunder Wiki also i suggest this plane added at br 2


I mean Germany isn’t lacking for bombers; the’ve got that excellent tier I fighter-bomber, and the JU-87 is actually pretty good.

I’d change the bomb load to 2x 250kg bombs; or give the PE-2 a similar 10 bomb configuration variant…

Im a fan of the dorniers.

But i prefer the cannon variant and those that follow

theyre weak

ju 87 isnt that good in defensive and speed…

The Do 17 z-7 has 4 mgs and “1” cannon.

Only strong from the front :slight_smile: very poor maneuverability

nah that was the problem, bomber version will be better

but theyre great for destroying bomber formation from ai with lots of mg, gonna agree they must be added with also dont forget their 10x50kg bomb

I remember this plane from the game secrets weapon over Normandy

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That takes me back :slight_smile:

I always liked the Dorniers. “the Flying pencil”

Look great, great fire power, but an absolute brick in warthunder. Only fly it for funsies

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