Can we please have Daily Tasks and BattlePass back on main manu for gods sake. It’s getting tidious to keep track of daily tasks like this what it is right now. These two are very important and need to kept in main menu.
You talk crazy tovarish! New UI much better, old no good! You agitate too much comrade!
New UI is IN FACT better, they just started listening to the crybabies that couldn’t click one tab away to upgrad their squads two patchs ago and fucked it up
F’en A this really does suck atm, I mean what was wrong with how it was before?
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Pretty sure no one asked them to combined BP and daily task together, and no the new UI is a mixed bag
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They could’ve used the time fix game breaking bugs or the merge like the camera getting glitch led in spectator mode and you can’t play that battle anymore. I encountered it multiple times this year and they just ignored the bug reports.