Add China as an own faction

Although it was a prominent theatre of WWII and very much immediately prior to the main outbreak, I’m not sure how far a TT for China could go. I mean, the British and Italian armies had way more technology behind them that could constitute a better sub-faction. A lot of China’s weaponary was lend-lease from other countries, certainly during the main WWII conflict, so I don’t know how much of a TT it could have.

That said, I’m no expert on the Chinese-Sino war, so my opinion is most probably moot.


I fear it will end in a blood bath of hate xD


Still nice to hear of it :upside_down_face: I thought about BR 1-3, as china themselves had own made weaponry, which would be interesting.

Examples i could quickly find, there surely are more:
Chiang Kai-Check rifle
Hanyang rifle
Xiangying rifle
Tsingtao mp (Literally chinese mp18 with a vertical magazine)
Type 36 grease gun
Type 77 pistol
Miaodao saber


I had a quick google of a couple of your suggestions, not all admittedly. The rifles could fit.

But the Type 36 was used post-WWII

And the Type 77 came into service in the early 1980s.

So at least both of those wouldn’t fit into the current timeline.


Oh my mistake, i looked them up quickly without properly reading them in. Thank you though :wink:


Thank you for your post.

I agree.

I encourage you to check out my post.

You will see I argued for China in Allies and Soviets.

Now personally Im fine with China as its own faction, but unfortunately a lot of people hate new factions.

We also see the devs putting Chinese event squads and profile image in the USA-UK tree (which should be renamed Western Allies for a start).

But overall yes I agree China, in some form or other, should be added to the game.

It would bring much needed variety for VS Japan maps.


^Australian and Chinese soldiers celebrating together^

^^Australian soldiers in China.^^


If that would mean “secret documents Chinese assault rifle” and “captured Ho Ri” on BR5, I would say No thanks.

China faction would be awesome for BR 1-2, but unfortunately it looks like DF are strictly set on making every faction BR 1-5.

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It will be as war thunder china, some own equipment and allies/soviet and German equipment, the newcomer faction who let taste iconic stuff of the conflict in one place without multiple factions grind


Sadly I have to agree.

I friggin hate this BR V nonsense.

Just let some factions only go to certain BRs jesus christ DF.

France and China are two factions I believe should exist, Id say BR I to BR III for both, maybe IV for France.

UK + Commonwealth could get to IV easily.

Italy BR III or BR IV.

I dont understand the problem only having USA, USSR and Germany get to BR V since that reflects the historical reality.


Lack of original Chinese gear
Lack of Chinese tanks
Lack of Chinese airplanes
Sorry but a faction that is made up of almost all foreign gear and a ton of copy paste
Just look up wiki WW2 small arms/weapons
France//UK(Commonwealth)/Italy would be far more
The reason people hate subtractions is why
A they play in the same matches thus clutter of separate tech tree
B the create there own ques in which case they split the player base

Example UK used a lot of US tanks like the firefly which was a Sherman with a UK gun
Would it a be in both tech trees
B the UK tech tree
What about the Sherman or the grant and lee tanks

Simply put a Chinese subfaction would just be garbage

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I believe china should be a faction and just be locked to BR3 or lower, kind of like how Japan was not BR5 at first.

They have weapons from thompsons to the KE7, I don’t think its possible to give them any variety of BR4 or BR5 equipment though.


Chinas choice of SMGS all already in game

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I would be in favor of adding China, however, they are going to have the same problem Japan has now. Not enough enemies to fight since they only have Japan. This will help Japan as it gives them another enemy, however, until DF does something to bolster Japan’s level 3 the Chinese faction is going to get screwed with the soft rule, only playing low levels or level 5 like the Allies have to contend with. Adding a couple Soviet/Japanese engagements would also help, but again, it’s going to hose the people who want to play level 3 Soviets when they get Japan as it will be a level 5 match. However, if it lets me play my level 3 Allies more often vs the Germans, then it will be worth it since I know I’m not going to be punked to level 5.

The more the merrier, however until DF gives the Japanese a reason to play level 3 the match making will continue to suffer vs Japan.

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I think the Chinese server cannot experience this content due to censorship.
The more important issue is that most of China’s supplies are purchases and aid supplies
Not many people want to redevelop what they have developed before.
Not many people want to play for a long time with relatively low equipment performance.

The best way is to disperse it among the US military or the Soviet Union

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  • SIG 1920 and 1930 is more like “return” to china, they should be in china TT than japan TT
    and there is even local copys with different caliber and magazine direction that can accept 32/50 round mag
    so they can have both 9mm import ver. and local 7.63 ver.

  • For MP34 we can have “MP43 7.63” with different stats

  • The japan 20 round thompson is also local copy made in china, they makes it 20 round for saving ammo.

The guns you didn’t mention:

  • Mauser C96 SMG Modification

  • The “Sichuan made” SMG
    A mysterious gun that uses a 7.63 curved magazine

  • MP18 and MP28 7.63
    Basically the same as SIG1920 (More research is needed)


So a pistol and one smg sorry three br

So like one gun that Is a BAR variant

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y’all are very optimistic for china to be it’s own faction.

and not having enough equipment it’s only the tip of the issues.


you mean like japan should have been?

exactly. creating any new faction will bring its own problem with playerbase and MM issues.

We don’t have the player base that is big enough to be split into multiple small factions.