Add BR icons into tech tree

I have suggested this in different threads before, but since it has not been heard or implemented until now, I am making this topic.

Please add BR icons into the tech tree. People who have been confusing BR with tiers will finally understand that they are not one and the same.
Plus, at first glance when I look at tech tree, I can see in one place what gear has such or such BR.

Here’s a very rough example of what I’m imagining. I’m really lame at this stuff, so I apologize for such a cheap job:


This would be a great addition

Yea since some weapon got their br adjusted but apparently the tree didnt change their position

idk maybe it did i didnt bother to check tbh

tech tree position and BR are different things.

Even before the balance changes BR =/= tier

For example Beretta M38/42 was always BR3 and tier 4 iirc.

well it suppose to show which br the weapon are in so yea

ok i guess i mean i still prefer it if they adjust the tree to their br but anything work for me

nope. it was announced as such when tech tree was first reveled. tech tree tier and BR are independent of each other.

Compared to my mok up of a tree, that i made, i just drew in red lol,
that pro :smile:
And a bloody good idea

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same for perk cost!

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This would be good - or atleast move things around so Tier is the same as BR. Would be even easier to see it all grouped by BR.

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