Add bayonet to all bolt action rifles

The bayonet in this game is the thing that confuses me the most.
Some weapons can obviously be equipped with bayonets, but they are not in the game. Could it be that whether there are bayonets in this game is not based on history but given at will?
The bayonet difference might not matter much for other automatic or semi-automatic weapons, but it does matter for bolt-action rifles.
So please give those bolt action rifles who should have bayonets a bayonet according to history


i still want to be able to take off the bayonet on the mas 36


Start with the Berdan II.


Or at least do another bayonet event, let me get them in some way without having to buy another copy of the gun lol


This is not world war 1, aside from maybe japan bayonets should have been a prize item or something in my opinion

Reminder that Berlin is still completely forgotten in that matter for whatever reason. Aside from premium Lebel and event Gewehr 98 there are no bayinets available for Germans. Russians at least have one standard weapon equipped with bayonet.



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Yes the FG42 has a retractable bayonet, it’s even shown in it’s retracted form in the game. I think it’ll be a feature in future updates though

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I hope it will come together with option to mount/dismount bayonets during the battle on all rifles.


Wy? Bayonet give you 5% less recoil i want them on all gun

Tbh I don’t care about 5% less recoil on a BA rifle.
I’m willing to sacryfice it so I can shout



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Agreed, bolt action rifle should have bayonet, but also the option to put on / off by holding (left or right?) arrow. Oh and I’m thinking about a “bayonet charge” order for your squad bots. They’ll sprint like crazy to your designed “go there” point and melee attack.

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wow I just knew that. Btw, PPD Dizzy be like

I’m probably in the minority here but I’d actually prefer them to remove, well actually make bayonets removable, yes there’s the argument for melee being easier with them and such but honestly it’s about looks for me, I don’t mind the odd squad with bayonets but some squads I prefer without. Some rifles look better without (while not a bolt action, still a rifle they deemed necessary to equip with a bayonet the M1 Garand, sometimes I prefer a K98 without bayonet etc.)

of course just my opinion but I do think there should be an option to take them off - this way those who want them can keep them & those who don’t can remove them.

You can remove them on almost all guns.

I see no option to when I try. Xbox if that makes any difference.

You need to click on the tab of the rifle, there you can select/ deselect bayonets.
Note: This option is not possible for most rifles in Berlin (also M1903 and K98k in Tunisia iirc) and I don’t own a console that has Enlisted so I don’t know if this exists there as well. Some guns also have a fixed bayonet so you cant remove them.

If the bayonet is in its own little window on the gun in inventory you can remove it: you can “grab” it with the x button and drag it to the empty window to the right, or select the bayonet with x while hovering over it with the cursor, and double-tap x while the cursor is still over the bayonet.

It’s awkward and intuitive but once you figure it out it’s easy enough. You can do the same with grenade launchers and scopes.

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Thanks - I retract my previous statements on bayonet removal, course it’s not exactly user friendly the way they’ve hidden it though…