Add bamboo spears to the Japanese arsenal of melee weapons


You must read the entirety of the document presented


What can I say? I was as shocked as you currently are. But before you make up your mind on this, hear me out: think about how cool it would be to be able to attack an enemy with a spear. You can charge with it, you can throw it, and you can stab with it.

The best part is that Enlisted has all of the functions in the game to make this work. They can reuse the throwing/aiming animation for the grenade and the charging/stabbing animation for guns with bayonets. We have everything to make this work, which opens many future opportunities for this game. I can only imagine what the modding community would make if this were added.

Please add this Darkflow; most of the player base would enjoy this.


The problem first is where to carry it when not in use, the bayonet is on the rifle while and ax, shovel or knife can be held by the belt at the waist, the past weapons also had a second use when outside of combat were not hard to wield in small spaces and did not have problematic implications the Japanese being the only non-white faction. It is also an improvised weapon and outside of the Molotov would be the only other such weapon type.

Cant wait to make my japanse faction have last ditch and improvised weapons and suffer for the defense of the emporer’s scared land (even more than usually).but it would be funny to see player killed player with bamboo spear in the killfeed


The same place where the lunge mines are carried.



i don’t play Japan much but that seems really coo.



Quadro would no doubt enjoy this. It is guaranteed he will make a video dedicated to just using a spear lol.


the problem is one limited use you can only use it as a thrusting weapon, taking out the weapon is difficult and slow, unlike a bayonet you do not have the gun to fall back on, how is that lunge mine sticking to that soldier a don’t see any kind of sling, to be blunt it is kind of racist, put simply how is it any better than a bayonet,
An ax unlike a knife is a slashing weapon and a shovel can dig, and with a bayonet you have a gun., i like variety but why not fire axes, engineers hammer, and bats, ice picks, its just too limited of a weapon to add, using the but of a pistol would better.

Did you read my post?

Yes that it can be thrown is not a good enough excuse, any range at which it can be thrown is far within the range of every gun, second half the soldiers are still expected to banzai charge the enemy, given that grenades are attached to the thrower i would love to see a bamboo spear yanked back to the thrower when he dies
yes ii focused on the stabbing the stomach to avoid ribs and missed the Greek/Roman throwing style attack, too bad the Americans lack shields it would make it a game changer

I have no idea what you are talking about besides wanting the spear to be reusable, but the bamboo spear is a melee weapon, not a primary weapon.

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Ideas for a new Premier Squad?

Well,bamboo spears were really a last resort when weapons ran out, so I think it’s a little strange that Japanese soldiers who were still actively fighting in Guadalcanal and New Georgia were carrying them.

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I posted it, but I’m retracting it.
When I was reading the strategy research materials written by the Japanese military at the time of the war, I learned that they officially deployed bamboo spears to their troops in the battle for New Guinea.
They’re crazy.

Half of the 4,500 soldiers in the 20 divisions were armed with bamboo spears. It is written. :hushed:


@Euthymia07 @James_Grove

Can we have bamboo spears for Japanese forwarded please :)?

Dang, that the Operation in New Guinea was supposed to be an offensive too. What a bunch of madlads.


In the Battle of New Guinea, the Japanese forces lost air and sea control to the Allies and were unable to resupply.
According to the operational documents they wrote, during the offensive on June 15, 8,000 men of the 40th Division of the Imperial Japanese Army (equipped only with rifles, 40 rounds per man, and one hand grenade) and 4,500 men of the 20th Division (half of whom had only bamboo spears) joined forces to engage the Australians. Most were killed in action.



These materials were located at the National Archives of Japan.
作研「ニューギニヤ」第3号/6月中に於ける作戦 (


This alone is a good enough reason

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Whether the Australian is getting impaled to death by a spear or the Japanese soldier only being issued a bamboo spear, that is grim all around.

For reference, this is the Japanese bamboo spear training manual during the war.


Design of Bamboo Spear

The best bamboo spears for adult men are 1.70 to 2.00 m in length and 4 cm in diameter.

Hold a bamboo spear. Standing at attention

Spear piercing action

Training target. Bamboo spear charge

Bamboo Spear Training Manual. Imperial Veterans Association Taipei Branch. March 1944. Source

Bamboo spear tactics training manual for Volunteer Fighting Corps.


“Bamboo Spear Training”, Photo Weekly Report, No. 373. June 1945

A modern US military survival manual explains that “bamboo makes an excellent spear.” If you are unarmed and surrounded by enemies, use bamboo as a spear if it is nearby. :sunglasses:

Field Manual FM 3-05.70 US Army Survival Guide

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Interesting event weapon

Would be cool if we could charge with it as well

But I would scrap the throwing part, because I don’t care much about it


It won’t be, it’ll be a regular melee weapon.

C’mon man

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