Add a "reserve" tier for beginners

The general idea is the following:

This is how it would work:

  • Only new players would play in reserve. If a player does not have a single tier 1 weapon in any faction they would only be matched against other reserve tier players. (Not even tier 1)

  • After researching their first tier 1 weapon (or buying a premium) would remove the player’s “reserve flag” and put them into regular MM.

  • The cost of weapons (Both in XP and SL) should be reduced for this tier; Ideally a player would reach M30 in 2 hours. Reaching Tier 2 would cost the same.

  • The number of required weapons for tier 2 would be reserve+tier 1. There would be no requirement to progress from reserve to tier 1.

This would prevent veterans from roflstomping tier 1 players with tier 2 spaded weapons ( Speaking from experience…)

With the steam release this is especially important IMO, if you can keep the player playing longer in it’s first hours of the game, they may become returning players.

What do you think of this idea or early game experience in general? How is the early grind for You, beginners? Is it that bad? As a veteran, i really have no idea.


I’m not a beginner but I’m not a veteran either, let’s say I’m in the middle, but I would like to give my opinion.

I think it’s a good idea to put the new players in their own tier, they had the unpleasant fortune of having three machine guns mowing down the entire team, in addition to the fact that they don’t know what a rally point is.

I agree with anything that reduces the amount of XP to research something, from my experience playing with Germany where the games last five minutes or less with luck I get 3000 XP which is equivalent to playing 24 games to unlock a weapon that needs 80000 XP, the worst thing is that sometimes the game goes so badly that I don’t even reach 2000 XP.

Sorry if it’s written wrong, I had to write it with Google translate, I don’t know much English xdddd

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Low-level equipment does need to reduce the amount of experience
Because novices are unlikely to be willing to spend so much time being cannon fodder

As an old player, the average experience value is between 5000 and 7000.
This means that I have to spend a lot of time playing about 20 games for 100,000 experience in level 2.
Newbies may need 50 games
No cannon fodder would have such patience

It is recommended to lower the level of those below level 2 to around 30,000.
10 games is a very sensible number
He’s not that far away
This can give newcomers more motivation to stay

You’re basically asking for BR0 and why don’t we just make a tear where there’s nothing but bolt action rifles where we can’t cheat the system

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there already exists newbie tier with its special MM. just that idk how many battles you need to graduate from newbie protection.

this is datamined from clog

btw it would suggest that newbies are put in same queue even if they buy BR5 premium squad.

When you start the game you go against bots that have weapons with lower damage.

Afaik first 3 or 5 matches are against bots then you get thrown into regular MM.