So, this was Australin, Never really used in action, and was, again Australian, why does it have US soldiers in it, and there not even wearing US tanker uniforms?
seem like you discover something that the dev didnt want you to
also why is it t3? It has only 40mm cannon
It has an crazy (high) ROF though
It should be tier II max
There’s really no reason for it to be III
So does the Daimler and A13
Should they be up too?
My guess is it’s a tier 3 because of it’s armor.
Its only like 50mm tho
P sure you can slug it with the BR I and II 50mms and 75s
Ya, idk, I think they were struggling with some of the BR valuations for various Pices of kit, and they will likely make some adjustments along the way.
Stuff that should have been sorted out by a proper testing program - just another reason why the merge is FUBAR
Nah going exactly as planned. Now they’ll make a list of all the new issues the merge created, see that there’s too many to feasibly fix on a free to play game and just sell you the solutions merged with premium time or something. WT did it. WoT did it. Every f2p game does it at some point. I’m starting to think i was right in not being ok with the merge.
It all goes back to the “Sell me this pen” trick…
A man of culture