Achievements discrepancy

Why does my overall career tank kills show 344 tanks destroyed, whilst achievements only shows 275? Just curious why the discrepancy. Obviously after two years I don’t specialize in tank killing. :rofl:
ScreenHunter 948
ScreenHunter 949

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Mine is similar… 250 kills in the stats, 208 kills in the achievements.

I’m wondering if it depends on how they’re killed, or if one counts assists as a kill and the other doesn’t.

Either way, it’s a little strange.

it because they count the one before the new achievement got added which mean you have to redo them

for example i have like 300 kill before the achievement and i have to redo them when it got added


I got a D in high school math, so maybe it’s my mistake. :joy:

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Ahh, now that makes sense.


Makes sense

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yea honestly i would have love if it count the one i already kill so i dont have to do it again tbh especially the engineer building one

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Yeah, I don’t go after Tanks, I only kill them if they happen to get somewhat close to me. I get a lot of tanks with my flame thrower.

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It only started counting after they were added which wasn’t too long ago


That jives as my tank kill and achievement skill match and I just passed 3 months played.

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New achievement got added 138 day (so around 4 month 18 day) ago unless you didn’t play before like I did then yea for new player it will count from the beginning unlike me who play before they got added

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I think I first downloaded Enlisted and started playing in March or April of 2022. Then I moved to the Philippines from the US in July of 2023 and had to wait 3 months for my computer to arrive, so I did not start playing again till late October of 2023.

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thanks for the edification

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